Judge Hershey

It’s basically Heinrich Himmler if you hit him in the head with a hammer.

Eh, I’m good now. Another day another fifth.

Fucking FUCK men SUCK!! That asshole should be strapped to a table and forced to inhale a mountain of coke until his heart gives out! It is so ordered!

I mean she weighs like 90 pounds, Shaq lifts burritos bigger than her.

Bah, none of them are scary.

Whoa, hold on! There’s a NEW Mexico? Has Trump been informed?

I got my flu shot. I hate needles; it goes back to when I was kid. I guess I could always come back and arrest the doctor.

That...that can’t be real...

The thing you have to remember is that these types are A) cowards and B) it’s always projection. They know the hideous shit they perpetrate/endorse is wrong but they can’t bring themselves to admit to their own faults. So they blame everyone else.

Are you kidding? Here in the PNW you can get a nice twenty dollar eighth. Of course if I find it in your car well your ass is going to give it to me and then go away...that way..go!

Sean Hannity is a canned ham that’s gone off.

That and it’s from like years and years ago. Or is this still a thing? I blame the booze! Guilty!!

Next up: Adventures in Babysitting.

There’s just too much to say except that women of any stripe versus old white men are our last hope.

The secret of the PNW is that...well we’re getting a few weeks of overcast and mild rain but it’s STILL nothing like what you get south of NorCal!!

. . . .That are all going to die, unless you but the DLC!

Do you have any idea what it takes to wash this armor? not to mention the bodysuit. Good Lord it is, it is something that should be left to-to-to I don’t even know anymore.

X_____X is playing politics because of her grasping/needless ambition to make a change/do right by conservative America.

The Washington Press are cowards and courtiers. They might get away with abiding treason but I’d prefer they be shackled and then spend the next fifty years contemplating what they have wrought.