Judge Hershey

Even better, it can punish women that have been prostituted and want to share their stories.

Her advice is weird BECAUSE SHE’S ON DRUGS!!

Hey, stop robbing Wonkette!

uh uh uh uh uh

The right thing would be simply admitting she wanted the paycheck. But then she’s got whatever the hell this is —

Still better than most of the current cgi’d-to-crap movies. Although Wonder Woman was awesome but I barely remember because gibsons.

Honestly, this is all the thought required for this farce.

Heresy. Ten years iso-cubes but I’ll let it slide....this time.

Now playing

That’s just garbage passive-aggressive. I should not be spewing garbage.

Like a wounded ape.

Call me when he does not hold himself like a wounded ape.

Now playing

You’ll hate me for it but I judge that your’re gonna just...

Yes but I care about other people and I’m not a greedy person which means I have no shot at obtaining office. In this case I’ll just go back to helping the younger kids with Bloodborne.

Basically, if you’ve been paying attention (no dig) well the young’uns are probably going to save us. If not, well it’s war in Korea.

I’m still saving up for Jim Sterling and Conrad doing their “Last Starfighter” bit. I mean if you spoil it there won’t be any iso-cubes it’s instant execution!!1

A point is that, as of about a month ago the Berlin Wall was down as long as it stood. Something like 10,360 days or something. I’m too busy judging Butthole Surfers..

two months iso-cubes for your egregious use of memetic shite!

They were asshats, if that’s the technical term. nine months iso-cubes!

Nobody wants to hear your opinion old man! eight months iso-cubes. *sentence passed*