Judge Hershey

Oh my sweet summer citizen, the sodium will take care of you before we have to worry. At least your carcass will nourish others.

To be candid: you kids are fucked. If you have kids of your own, well they’re doubly fucked unless your rich and live in the good states.

Your avatar just looks like five years iso-cubes. So I’ll go easy and say ten years iso-cubes.

Amen, six months iso-cubes.

Yeah, if you doubt my age I’ll judge your ass before you hear me walk up a flight of stairs; the armor doesn’t help the crunching from my knees...

FFS my uncle was ‘impressed’ because I knew meaningless drivel. When my Grandpa was alive some twenty years ago it was nothing like this! I mean you still had questions that dealt with history and hey— don’t walk away from Grandma while I’m ranting!!

Yes I graduated in 2000 and then was right into the Grand Hall of Justice to start putting down I mean relating to you young kids!

I thought that was a joke!!

Nobody wants to hear from your ancient ass, any more from you and it’s six months in the iso-cubes!!

Baloney, it was Pepsi Generation, Generation Y, some other marketing bullshit that I judge as garbage! Unicard please! What’s that? you don’t have one? well Mr. You, you (genius) are going to prison for A+B=C years!

I was born in April ‘82, the kids born ten years later are millennials.

Now playing

When I was a kid my dad and me would play Operation Wolf. Failing that we’d play

Horse puckey — Try running a cheap, rented Ford Bronco through the desert. Dad got caught in a pit and had to back out, hitting a fucking twig which punctured the tire.

And to think my neighbor got angry when I ran “Hero” at +11. I misjudged him.

That was much more brief than I expected. If he had been wearing something that brief I’d judge his ass.

Oh, so now we must qualify? My uncle has like four corvettes and is blah blah blah. I will happily burn him down just to prove a point. That might be a bit extreme but well here we are.

A friend of mine was laid out for over a week. We were wondering what had happened to him. You’re a big girl, get your shots. Then we can judge the sick and weak for the betterment of something something....

Sombody probably hit it but —