Judge Hershey

Oh good, it’s not Witcher 3. I mean when I defeated what’s-his-name I clockd in at about 200 hours. I started a New Game Plus but, well honestlys Id much rather just start gagain. Good effing gawd, this is being up judging + booze, which is what most of us need, our dark secret. That and I want to get back and help

My comp might as well be coal-fired or something

It’s a nice change of pace from a punch of pudgy men and their sole magazine.

If Trump goes to prison (he won’t) there is a clause that basically deprives everyone, even Javanka, of all money or assets. Now it’s very narrow and likely won’t happen buuuuttttt you never know.

The real irony is that I don’t believe in justice. But this...this is the closest any of us will get to justice in the next six months. Don’t tell Dredd he’ll just frown and then shoot Rob Schneider.

Wash your hands people or it’s a month in the iso-cubes.

I feel for her. We can judge her all day (and I will) but things have not worked out as she planned. And isn’t it ironic?

I got a flu shit despite the fact that you’re tangling with somebody who will just send you to the iso-cubes for six months if you break the needle off in my arm.

Not to say that I judged this (oh that’s great, maintenance is grrrinnnddding the tub above me) film unfairly. IMO, this was Eddie Murphy’s last funny movie oh fuck it, hour four of leaf blowers I apologize!

I dunno, the way the Obamas treated her, the way her so-called husband treats her. We can at least understand that yes, she signed up for this but at the same time our compassion is what makes the difference is....I need to judge something, right now, back to Bloodborne!!

as the friend of someone that tends bar she hates you through me; but if you tip her well it’s all good.

If there is any man alive that should be brought to his knees and judged it’s this hideous conspirator. Not executed, not even the iso-cubes, make him beg and plead for his freedom.

When I was just a judgling I never threw up on the airplane but I do remember some other kid cried the entire time until touchdown and then *baaarrrff*

I would watch but I cannot hear a thing. It’s not like I’m going to go down and judge those workers and their leaf blowers! I mean that would be rude! So I must leave to Gita and her boychick puke (that’s barf)

Ha, you kids! When a Judge is on board it’s wings one way- the other way- back that way- *grrk* back that way- once more bac*puuuuke!!!* ok Welcome to San Diego we apologize for the turbulence &c &c

Yeesh, if I scrubbed my arms with steel wool I would not come off so white.

I mean I feel real bad about this kind of thing, like really, but at some point she signed on and what else are we to do?