Judge Hershey

Hot Take -> Michelle Obama is the mostest since Mamie Eisenhower although I had not yet been born... GO ->>

I apologize if there are like several picture of Pres Obama in his tan suit, I can’t hear a thing because earplugs -> leaf blowers and kinja was acting up so sorry luv!!

The Tasmanian devil I judge it to be sound!

Apparently my judgment is just shite so here —

Remember the incredible class with which President Obama and the First Lady treated her.

X2 trying to post Obama in a tan suit —-damn you kinja I’d execute on the street!

Nah, as much as she might be complicit I judge to be just another accessory (like Hope Hicks) sure she knew what she was getting into and her parents are part of that chain migration fluff but....well fuck.

They lost their shit when this happened!!!! GUILTY!!! check check

Your Crime -> watching CNN

Did you not have a story about Proxima b or something being blasted by a solar flare? If you thought you were having a bad day I’d judge those microbes didn’t know/were incinerate instantly!

Your judgement is questionable but I agree wit-holy shit I can’t hear a fucking thing with these leaf blowers and ear plugs. It’s not like you’re going to have to change the pressure in your ears and such..

Gita is my spirit animal and Luke is some hideous creature we have to foster, but I love him.

The real tragedy is that we are all witnessing somebody sell their soul for money. Thirty pieces of bitcoin or what have you; it makes me sick but well there you are.

Like I mentioned elsewhere — I’ll trust my dog’s judgment but, well, it’s like being the privy seal to your hound-ass....

Now playing

That’s great Nate but how does this relate to CRoberts and Star Citizen?

Garbage, I judge that Latinx is quite obvious and to whom are you referring when you mention “we?” I mean I could be wrong, I’m not Dredd, he doesn’t mess around but when you’re referring to Latin women I mean...I...did I misjudge the joke?

Not to be horrible but I’d be happy to judge the finalists for re-creating Gita! hehe j/k!!!

I think the idea is that when your dog flops their head on your date, well I’ll trust my dog.

Oh, really? you should visit the *checks notes* “Dog Daycare” or something. If four hundred dogs all barking at you at once is your thing then boy do I have job for you!

My spelling is just in the cellar <- Guilty! The sentence is *glug*