Judge Hershey

You have got me there.

In my judgement she’s an awful person advocating awful things. The people with which she chooses to keep company view her as less than human, a useful idiot. She’s just a prop/mouthpiece for the gun industry (imo) and she does what she’s told for a paycheck.

They’re so cute together! The hideous racism shouldn’t come as a surprise but I judge the vociferousness of it caught them off guard.

As long it’s narrated by Attenborough!

I mean come on...

Tami? Toni? Tawdri?

Monique is far, far too kind to Tomi.

There would be a lot of confusion in this house. Between swearing at the cat (guilty!) the leaf blowers and various other curricular activities it’s just a giant mess!

I mean it’s not my place to judge but those red hats were just instant MAGA-nets.

I don’t wanna judge but —

You know what was a real (stupid) problem. I think it was called ‘beaning’ or something. Smoking pills.

She’s tough and I hope she takes those bastards for what their worth.

Well that’s normal. You want weird the grounds crew just fired up their leaf blower. I went and looked out the window and what do I see?

One little tidbit I remember was, in her last year or so of competition, the other gymnasts would refer to her as “grandma.”

So I’ve been waiting for Thanos to say something and then get his ass kicked for how many years?

I judge that your fingers are too big.

I judge that he should shave that gawdy, pharaoh-esque THING on his face!

Jeepers H. Crackers I do not need this in my life AGAIN!

If I had to judge the situation I’d say Comrade Putin wants to “Star Wars” the United States.

Yes, I can just ear the crunching of studded tires outside of my unit. You live in a mega-block! Where the hell do you put your spring tires!?!