
Take your damn star...

Robin Hood Video Claims People Want To See Upcoming Robin Hood Movie

I wonder how much Disney’s new streaming service plays into all of this. 

From a story telling perspective, I agree, but I think the way Netflix would look at it is that for a good few years their lineup of Marvel shows created a lot of buzz that probably drove a lot of people to them who, even after the Marvel shows are no longer producing new material, will stay with Netflix.

I wouldn’t be suprised if they are abandoning these shows altogether like you said. I feel like they should have all been limited series anyway and then either fed into The Defenders or w/e.

Based on some of the articles I’ve been reading, it’s possible Netflix is abandoning the Marvel show line altogether. With Cage it seems like the double whammy of creative differences and waning interest from the public did it in.

I believe that we are living in the golden age of apathy as it is, people don’t give a shit about anything outside the walls of their own home. 

Good article, but I question calling the Better Business Bureau a “watchdog.” They’ve been caught up in pay to play schemes before, and were under fire in 2010 for changing the ratings of non-dues paying members:

Honestly, if more people knew about John Rawls’ Theory of Justice, this country (and the world) would be in a better place than it is now. My issue with preacher was that he seemed to be defending the people that go to rallies holding Nazi flags, doing Nazi salutes, and advocating for genocide as somehow “mislabeled”

yeahyeahea, I think we can all agree on that one without a shred of doubt. However, I believe preacher23 is likely mentioning else happening.

I’ve noticed there is a tendency to push people right of centre or even further than that into the deepest of deep ends from the Left by calling, say, a person who is concerned

maybe try a sexually unhinged athiest for your next go around dude. A higher class of drama.

That second girl... the conservative Christian. There’s not a hot enough woman on the planet to put up with that shit. She’ll find herself a nice mama’s boy bootlicker to spend her days with but ugh... maybe try a sexually unhinged athiest for your next go around dude. A higher class of drama.  

they're basically training themselves into sociopathy. unlearn empathy and you're good to go!

Yep. That’s the funny part. Emotion and logic are two parts of a discussion/argument. To insist that one needs must be adhered to and that the other should be outright rejected is fencepost dumb.

Also lol: “Logic and facts in an argument do nothing to change their mind and only cause them to just repeat themselves ad infinitum.”

“The Left is just a meme of lunacy come to life.”

People that don’t find religion often cook one up without ever realizing it. Having said that, the whole “only those of us chosen by God are good and all others are sub-human” is not that unique of a refrain.

It’s one thing to claim that a person’s strongly-held views are informed by nothing at all, but entirely another to imply that they’re completely on auto-pilot.

When I was 13, I had these same thoughts as this group of people. It took time, a lot of internal realization and rationalization, and a lot of looking in the mirror at myself, but I finally realized one cannot empathize with someone you do not connect to, and I cared, even if I hated, people too much around me to

I give it six months before some asshat shoots up a school and cites this meme in his manifesto