
I will admit that I have repeated to myself “please don’t be a hoax, please don’t be a hoax” several times. Not that I wish this to have happened to anyone. But the story was just so on the nose.

The Good Place is fantastic television. Chidi ArianaGrande (nailed it!) is so earnest and hysterical all at the same time.  His reactions during the real life train paradox were so good I had to keep pausing the show until I stopped laughing.  

Panama, that you even have such thoughts is a sign that there is hope. Every time a straight black male defends the gays, an angel does the bend and snap, and you get a better tax return. 

If rappers (and actors, ball players and TV personalities) were treated like what they are, Entertainers, only. I could care less about them outside of them other than what they are.

Getting old sucks. A lot of what you liked as a youth you’ll look back on and think WTF?

Wow, they really nailed the Princess Bride bedroom decor, especially the vintage bag of Cheetos. I hope Ryan manages a Peter Falk impression in there at some point.

It is scary how well he understands his character.

Apocalypse has suffered from inflation over the ages. As with most really fun villains, he spent several issues being a shadowy threat watching the Protagonists (X-Force to start out with, but Mutants in general eventually). In his official intro during the Fall of the Mutants event, he’s portrayed as a type of

It’s actually pretty impressive that they managed to take a really bright, talented, charismatic actor like Oscar Isaac, bury him under 50 lbs of makeup and costume and suck all the life out of him until he ends up being some boring grey/blue blob on the screen.  

And just a few years later, Brolin pulls off a masterful Thanos without a smear of physical makeup. That’s got to be the most annoying part.

I don’t blame Isaac for the Apocalypse fiasco. I blame writers who clearly had no concept of who Apocalypse was. He was always at his best in a Sauronish role, in the shadows while his Horsemen (and Horsewomen) were like his Ringwraiths. He only stepped in when he needed to. By making him so prominent in the movie,

This was a fascinating read. Thank you for this Heather and thank you Shankar for doing this as well.

Thanks for reading. I actually heard about the story yesterday when I was listening to NPR while getting ready for work. I listen to NPR basically every weekday and donate to WNYC. They’ve actually interviewed me a few times about my work, too. I’m not out to get NPR.

If my child stopped playing video games and started going to church, I would be very concerned.


Look, I get people being disappointed. I can even understand, to a certain extent, people being angry. No one was expecting, nor did anyone ask for, a Diablo mobile game. I think Blizzard is at times a little full of itself...high on their own supply, if you will. I don’t think they’re “out of touch”,

It’s astounding to me how these nerds are screaming themselves into rage-comas because a phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.

Holy shit, Gamers are trash.  Just don’t play it if you’re that mad.  Christ...

Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit

Dude, seriously. Such a well written end to both the fight and character. Dracula was built up to be so powerful I was worried they would overcome him in a cheesy “never give up” moment.

Absolutely this. Also, the rendition of a little child room is really accurate. I’m a dad of a 5 year old and I could see some similarities. I got misty eyes in this scene.

Dracula’s breakdown at the climax of the episode, when the fight winds up in Alucard’s childhood bedroom, is utterly heart-wrenching.  The show at that moment really underlines how Dracula’s (bad) decisions have been coming from a place of utter depression.