
I’ve already beaten this game twice and I’m debating a 3rd playthrough. I’m 41 and this draw to replay a FF game hasn’t been like this since FF7 when it initially released. Does the added content of the Royal Edition come in a patch to the original game or does it require a whole new purchase?

Shit man, this applies to SO much in general. Better articulated than I would ever have hope of doing so.

Did Oscar do something to earn your ire today? I didn’t get the impression he said anything unexpected as an actor.

I love this story. Thank you for sharing it.

I’ve had mad respect for Adi Shankar ever since Dredd. He is a fascinating person to listen to. 

Well said. I couldn’t quite articulate my general blaise attitude about the cancelation, but this article hit on it far better than I ever would have been able to do. The show kept showing so much damn potential and then slipping up in the ways you listed above. There was enough there for me to keep coming back, but

I ask myself that every morning.

Psychoanalysis, Cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, gestalt therapy, ACT methods, etc. Then there are the questions about clinical focus; LCSW, CMHC, PsyD, PhD, MFT, etc. But when you are dealing with legalese, a company can’t leave this open to interpretation as to what the intend versus

Having podcasting for 5+ years prior to quitting about a year and a half ago, I can confirm that you have to create a “character” for any endeavour such as this. You do this not just for the audience, but to protect your own mental health/privacy. Tearing down those professional boundaries can lead to loads of pain.

Regardless of if they follow licensing standards and practices for their therapists, there are a number of issues that I can see for the app in general. First, malpractice insurance. Any licensed individual needs to have this and the requirements depend on the state. Also licensing does not translate across state

Read my other comments. 

I work in criminal defense. I get attacked for a living.

Call it the limitations of a distracted brain to not clarify. Only meant it to be used as an example of labeling versus the ideology/political belief system. As to what to call groups of individuals who espouse baby jails and genocide, I go with systematic racism, fascism, or “Patriotic” Americans.

I didn’t say they didn’t exist, but I have worked with LITERAL Nazi prison gang members. I am a bit more discerning about how I use the term.

I work with people caught in the criminal justice system for the past 13 years. Some of the more dangerous individuals I have worked with have adopted ideals such as this without the “gameification” factor. Ultimately, when an individual is able to view the “enemy” as an object, violence against that object becomes

That was my first thought.

I work as a mitigation specialist in the public defense office in the state of Utah. I know it is far and beyond NYC, but if I can be of any help, message me. I have worked with indigent and mentally ill populations for the past 13 years.

Pretty much every Dragon Quest iteration. I’ve sunk a few hours over the course of a few days and just lose interest.

Monster Hunter World was a game I really enjoyed for a while but that just went to the wayside as well.

Breath of the Wild was a game I felt obligated to like and it never happened.

James needs some anti-depressants ASAP.