
Once, years ago, I actually had a student slice my tires after I had them read Swift’s “Modest Proposal,” because they literally thought I wanted them to eat babies.

There is very, very little accounting for education in criticism anymore. I know how much of an asshole that makes me sound, but I don’t much care; every

I never would have guessed that Jax’s metal arms were actually painted on. Always figured they were a low budget foam prosthetic or something like that.

Somebody really needs to do a Netflix documentary on 90's era Midway and the evolution of Mortal Kombat.  Ok I’ve stated the idea, so I expect it to be on Netflix by this time next year.  

Only tangentially related, but: Fun MK fact, super amazing director of Punisher: War Zone Lexi Alexander played Kitana in the Mortal Kombat: Live Tour in 1995 and 1996.

Why people get in fights at sporting events after drinking way over priced foam water with an alcohol content of 0.05%, I will never know.

I nearly didn’t graduate from high school because I couldn’t pass the math. It got to where I’d go to algebra w/trig/geometry/calculus class without my book and just put my head down. In 1988 in Montgomery, AL, no one in my school ever mentioned dyscalculia, which I now know would have explained why I failed math (and

I feel silly about it, but as a transperson, representation in the form of a transformer is making me giggle and smile.
That’s kinda awesome.

I do hope that they start taking elements from the IDW comics, like the fact that there are transgender transformers.

There was, at one point, a Republican party that had sincere ideals and pushed for them (around about the 1860s or so). That party has absolutely nothing to do with the present one save for the same name, akin to a dead corpse having been infested by evil parasites and raised into a shambling zombie-like existence.

Coming next week to the History Channel: Hunt For The Republican Party.

You’re not far off.
Not only is this deep rooted toxicity hard to get rid of, but when corporate announces they intend to change their outlook etc to their already toxic employee base, all you get is private mumblings about “this public outreach bullshit” over lunch breaks.
I commented on the last article about how

Came here to be cynical, critical, and maybe give a perfunctionary “It’s a start.” But that would all be largely redundant to the article and maybe too harsh? At least they do seem to be listening and maybe finally acknowledging the shortcomings in their leadership. Here’s to hoping it all comes to pass for a better

I disliked botw within 45 min of playing it.  I can’t understand for the life of me why people enjoyed that game.  

Breath of the Wild was an easy drop after 2 hours of the most frustrating combat experience I’ve ever experienced. 

Look, if you want to say something in these comments all I ask is that you be respectful to one another. Disagree on whatever points you want but please treat each other decently.  (Assholes and transphobes get banned.)

I have a progressive health condition that is going to disable me over time. I sometimes have to ignore severe pain when I work and I also get moderately injured on the job due to my condition (such as spraining fingers or ankles). One day I might need disability assistance and to stop working. However working for as

I dunno, Herbert always struck me as a one-and-done SF author. Dune was lightning in a bottle, a big, weird, baroque story about drugs, religion, and human potential at a time when most American science fiction was pretty dry and technocratic, and he spent the rest of his career trying to recapture that feeling, both

She’s not going to get 140 years. This is just how media outlets report these stories. They take the maximum possible sentences of all charges and counts, and then they add them all up. It’s lazy reporting that has little to do with how prosecution and sentencing actually work.

Fucking camels, man.

Fox News is going to reference this until the end of time.