
And yet, only one rare item. What are the odds?

That’s a lot of loot boxes.

It’s very easy for people to blame [the white nationalist] Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler [the organizer of last year’s white supremacist rally], but they haven’t been in charge here.—Mayor Nikuyah Walker

Black people have no issues with white allies. Shit, some of us can’t get through the day without the white validations of folks like Tim Wise or Dave Ziren. If a white person can get through singing Waterfalls at karaoke, they down for life. The Cookout Invite was invented with white people in mind!

I was the only black kid in my elementary school in PA and had no friends because the kids were racist AF. My neighborhood was different. Although we were the sole black family, the community embraced us. They brought so many treats when moved in my mom worried they would go stale before we could eat them. We became

That family put skin in the game when they didn’t have to. There are a lot of unsung folks just like this.

When my family moved into Navy Officer’s Housing in San Diego in 1966 there were a lot of unhappy white people in the neighborhood. My father was stationed in Vietnam at the time when my mother moved her five children including 9-year-old me, into that all-white neighborhood. I was called “nigger” by more than a few

How much have you spent?

According to documents from the West District Santa Monica courthouse, the case got dismissed without prejudice.

This is one of my favorite PS1 classics. The branching story, the amazing battle system, damn good plot (minus some incomprehensible jargon) and it even had a reproduction of the internet... Like, you could go to sites and “hack” them to get money/parts or go to shady BBSes and talk to (NPC) people.

Star Court Industries. A subsidiary of Weyland-Yutani 

Luke Cage is a good man - all about the children. I say the character (in fact, all the Defenders) gets a pass for being a man trapped in a weird anachronistic version of Manhattan.

It probably has something to do with most whites in other countries having to, at one point or another, reckon with all the bloodshed and evil their ancestors have wrought on the world, on some level.

There are white people who have no problem with telling you what’s wrong with the “black community,” but try to tell them what’s wrong with the “white community,” and they can’t get that “not all...” out of their mouths fast enough. On the Venn, it’s an over lapping circle.

...when swimming in shark-infested waters or walking through a snake pit, it would be stupid to tell yourself “not all sharks...” or “not all snakes...” and assume that you won’t be bitten.

I love your writing and hate the mail you get while loving the Friday clapback.

Utah “Jazz” I’ll never get used to that. They should really ransom that back to New Orleans and become the Utah Pioneers or Mormans or some such.

Because I think Rey has now learned not to rely on the Jedi way of thinking or mindset that ultimately has led to 2 republics failing.

There’s a reason that no “choose your own adventure” books are literary classics. :)

I’ve found that the length of games really means that I can easily wait until a game goes on sale; if it takes me 200 hours to “finish” a few games, that’s a huge chunk of time and I can bet that by the time I finish those games, another few games with similar play time will have gone on sale.