
Maybe. It’s right up there with a Rusty Venture... although there is no consensus on what that sexual act entails. We’ll have to check with Risa. [wink]

Eh, I’d say that the TNG movies started to stink up the place when the central conflict was about mean stretchy-faced aliens who were jealous of their angelic, non-stretchy-faced cousins. And Picard becomes their bald Shakespearean freedom fighter, with no lasting punishment or complications after the credits roll.

Motherfucker. I usually try to avoid that kind of language, but motherfucker. I was hoping, probably foolishly, that when she stabilized there might be some improvement. Damnit.

you had problems with a realistic interpretation of war?

The trouble is they can/would never make a Vader kicking ass film without making him relatable or what not. No way they’d have 2 hours of Vader being an evil bastard.

“Donnie Yen’s character is a blind badass who believes in the Force; he dies flipping a single switch. Defector and erstwhile Imperial pilot Bodhi Rook is blown up while plugging in some kind of data cable.”


I think the makeup of the Rebellion is a lot different now than when we see them for the first time in A New Hope. First of all, this is really an underground resistance at this point - you have Senators and heads of planets that on the surface support the Empire but are

So--the problems with the film are, basically, everything I liked best about it.

Frankly, the move away from Jedi/Republic = good, Sith/Empire = Bad, is the best thing that came out of Rogue One. Seeing the Rebels be selfish dicks, and seeing heroes working to topple the Empire from within is what made the movie, really.

Why did the Rebellion feel the need to kill Galen Erso? Oh I dunno, maybe because he was willing and able to create a superweapon for people who were willing and able to use it? Who knows what they might have made him design next? They had no way of knowing he was working for them reluctantly and even if they did- the

As someone with every intention of raising second generation gamers, my kids thank you for not making it weird in a few years...

I was alone in an elevator with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and she farted. I was going to ignore it like a gentleman when she said “woah did somebody step on a duck.” We both laughed and she turned to me and said “no one will ever believe you if you tell this again.” She is one wise lady.

Well thank God, the first game was a little too sunshine-and-roses for my tastes.

Man, how did this come into being? What was that meeting like to pitch this series?

Criticism isn’t censorship. That’s a pretty basic distinction, man.

With you, brother.

“Gods, I’m an old geek.”

Plus with this you could really hear the Empire go “Hey, those fighters cut through our transports. What it we add better armor?” Blizzard Force could have had the new improved versions, which would explain why they cut straight through the Hoth defenses.

Nope thats pretty much what you get out of ESB as well. All of the starfighters were being tasked with evacuating the base, so they were only left with speeders with low-power weapons on them that were at that point JUST barely working Remember Han went out for Luke on Tauntaun BECAUSE the speeders couldn’t handle the

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