
I feel like there’s only one thing missing:

Yeah, uh, thanks for that, I guess. Why don’t we remind everyone of Highlander 2 while we’re at it?

And if you haven’t already, read the book before watching the movie. While the movie is fun, the book downright fantastic.

From the Animals and Kanye West, to Eminem and the White Stripes

Am I excited for this game? Yes, yes I am.

But luckily for me, I’m excited because I like the art style, and I like the concept of exploring and flying around in space. Which is the core of the game. Not sure what all these people were actually expecting to be doing.

I have learned since Watch Dogs to never be hyped

I really feel like Hype is the potential fans’ own fault. “This game is going to be awesome!” Is as far as marketing can take it, and fans take it the rest of the way. If it doesn’t live up to expectations, that’s THEIR doing (obviously barring any Molyneux-esque claims)

Absolutely. I loved it.

Sorry, but I have to disagree with your opinion of the season finale.

First you delay the game, now you’re going to get the developer sued.

Good for you playing competitive video games so late in life.

Stolen for future use.

or maybe Zack Snyder will just make a Robin snuff film

My favorite part of this movie was the repeated cut to the television footage of something emerging from the church basement. I don’t know why, but it was really effective in creating a sense of impending doom. Each time, there was just a little more footage and the hairs on my neck stood a little bit higher.

That’s the most plausible thing about this whole mess.

I’m still convinced this thing was made five or six years ago and the studio only remembered it existed when they realized they needed to fill in a gap in their February schedule.

Biggest question is if FOX will give in to CC’s blackmail and give him either a movie or another limited series.

One of the most poorly paced, badly acted and inconceivable episodes of the X-Files in its long history. Had it not ended in such an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink kind of way — and look, a spaceship! — hardcore fans might have had no problem saying goodbye. As it is, only the search for William (and Mulder’s

I can’t be the only one who yelled “THAT’S IT? IT’S OVER???” at the TV after the screen went black.