
It was just how Hera’s accent starts to show itself while being around her father.

I think part of what makes these conversations so difficult is that we can’t ever hold them in a truly safe space. We can’t have a real conversation about the grey areas in sexuality without some creep jumping in to be like, “Exactly, it’s complicated, that’s why I’m not a rapist.” We feel pressure to be like “CONSENT

One of the strippers was putting herself through law school.

It’s a painfully raw performance—accompanied and enhanced by frequent, intimate close-ups of Laura’s face—and over two hours, it can get a bit exhausting.

This sure is an advertisement for a mobile game...

Bonus: The Visual Dictionary has a surprising obsession with hair that is strangely endearing. So many characters depicted in the book have annotations connected to their hair. Poe’s is described as tousled thanks to his helmet, Leia’s dressed-down hairdo is apparently symbolic of her shedding “any symbols of royalty

I feel bad for the actress in those commercials who had to say, “It’s based on neuroscience”.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a giant Xmas gift to geeks because it gave them something massive and new to worship, overly examine, conjecture upon and fight about, which are the things we love most.

I agree with this. All of it. The thing is, it’s not that their epilogue needed to be picturesque. It’s that it’s hard for me to deal with the three of them being so epic in their failure that Luke has been hiding for decades and Han and Leia’s entire lives feel like a setup to someone else’s plot.

Yay thanks! I almost changed it because it’s mean... but it’s also true. :(

There’s an emotional disconnect between logically doing one thing and realizing that the thing has been done. Lets face it, for good or for bad Star Wars has been this man’s entire life for the last 40 years. It’s easy to walk away on paper, but when you wake up one morning and realize that there’s a new Star Wars

How did you miss the perfect opportunity to coin the term deus Rex machina? It's just sitting right there, waiting for you.

I’m reading the Sword Coast book at the moment. So far it’s a nice introduction to the forgotten realms, but certainly nothing special for those of us who already have a shelf of FR books. For people coming to the setting for the first time though... I think it has more value. It’s a lot easier to read than the 3.5

Me too, bro. Me too.

Patricia won’t have a copy of the game until tonight at midnight, after which she’ll work her ass off to try to get a review up in the next week or so. Given that she’s a Fallout superfan and smart critic, I imagine y’all will enjoy reading her thoughts even after we’ve all been playing the game.

Fuck this dude. He sounds like an annoying asshole.

I love that Leia is continuing the family tradition of weird-ass hair styles... :)

I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan. I consumed the Dark Horse comics, many of the novels, and so on.

How is it a blow? When Lucasfilm decided that those books were no longer canon, it’s not as if they dispatched people to go out and remove those books from circulation or existence. They’re still out there, you can still read and enjoy them, so what’s the problem? All the worldbuilding, all of the stories are still

Remember, reviews—at Kotaku or otherwise—are written by a single person, not the website as a whole. I was enjoying Mad Max for the few hours that I played, too! We all have our own opinions about games. Plus, the site is not only what we’re interested but what our readers are interested in—it’s meant to reflect the