
Actually after you beat the game you get that outfit in the first picture. I took this picture in the Mad Max capture mode.

Now playing

This, and pretty much any other horror movie where they let you think the heroes might have made it, and then kick you right in the balls.

I remember just staying in myseat after watching The Mist completely slack-jawed. I was just trying to imagine the pain this guy must be in. I still think about it from times to times. If it was me, honestly, I think I would probably not last long before shooting myself. I know some people didn’t like the ending, but

I was just wondering if they picked the wrong person for the review. I got the impression that the game didn't stand a chance before it left the case.

While I love Kotaku to death, I disagree with the review that was done by the other guy. To me, it’s a fantastic little game and just about everything that you could love in a Mad Max game. While it does have it’s flaws, once you invest some time with it and get a upgraded ride, combat, be it in or out of car becomes

I love Chumbucket. He’s so wonderful.


Hey AAA, I have BP disorder. It blows. If you have had suicidal thoughts since the age of 6, sought relief via self harm, and are verbally/emotionally abusive to your GF (and prob others in your life from grade school to present day), Please please please go see a Psychiatrist and get diagnosed. There are medications

I hate to say it, but Dr. Nerdlove is attempting to deal with issues that are WAY outside of their ability to constructively and competently deal with. When you have people dealing with abuse of others and suicidal tendencies, you are NOT qualified to give advice and any attempt to do so is reckless and dangerous. I’m

This Dr. Nerdlove is perfectly timed. Suicide Precention Week 2015. Remember, everybody, your story matters.

Dresden reference?

GamersGate is still a thing? huh.

I’ve been tempted to get this game. Kotaku reviews say NO but individual reviews say YESYESYES

I also enjoyed Mad Max a bit more than Chris did. I had fun playing it, but I also saw how some might not. It’s a tough game to judge, but I recommend everyone at least try it before writing it off.

Other things I like:

I must say, collecting stuff in Mad Max is fun as all hell. I ‘m stopping at every single possible location and looking for everything. Mad Max has been a huge hit with me and I can’t put it down. Still bitter over the Kotaku “NO” verdict. Screw you guys. =)

This is the first bad review for the game I’ve seen. I’m still picking it up. I love the Mad Max universe.

Despite the reviews still thinking about getting the game and judging it for myself.

the opening paragraph is you complaining about getting paid to play and then write about a video game.