

I know this isn’t a competition, but I think you still win this.

Most RPG players have had that magical group. You know the one: you stay up until 6am. You play for 15 hours straight. It’s awesome. Notes are flying. Secrets are being revealed. Crits are being rolled (or fumbles). Then, like many good things, it comes to an end. Your pals scatter to the four winds. Some stop

I feel like this is genuine emotional abuse. Sorry dude, that sucks.

When I was 12, I had been playing D&D for a few months. I really got into world-building and wanted to be a DM. I started creating my own world, complete with multiple maps, cultures, cities (each with their own map layouts with locations of dungeons) and multiple maps of dungeons. I had created my own races, each

I just want to say that the new Gawker wide roll out of this font and type size blows. Also any experience I’ve had after quitting at Gamestop has been bad. Only Amazon/ebay from now on.

Because I’m curious to see if I can get this question every week.

I thought this had already been confirmed by the official movie poster.

Shhh.. Germain has an ax to grind. Don’t let the facts get in the way of that...

I might be in the minority but I though Ant-Man was a better film than AoU

There is very little on this earth that makes me happier than Kate McKinnon’s Egon-ish hair.

Who will be the first misogynist asshole in the comments? Let’s find out!

I’d heard about another live action DBZ in the works. This isn’t it? Oh, I thought this might have been Freeza.

You seem disproportionately enraged by the casting choices for a reboot of a movie about people who capture ghosts for a living.

However, if Chris Farley were still alive...

Y’know, that’s been staring at us in the face for years but you’ve made me realize it only now. I guess we can be thankful that Ghostbusters hasn’t been rebooted with Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Chris Rock and Kevin James. However, if Chris Farley were still alive...

Seeing as Disney appears to be handling Star Wars with some degree of respect, I imagine we will NOT be disappointed by news that Shia "The Beef" is cast in the lead role as Young Han Solo.