
“And here is the planet Dickhitler, home of the Dickhitlerites.”

I can’t wait to see how many creatures end up named after dicks and Hitler.

Now playing

Some of those radio broadcasts are from number stations. Really memorable ones too, I’ve definitely heard them before. You can hear the famous Swedish Rhapsody in there. Here’s a link to a good raw recording:

Ok, I watched the whole video. If, within the forthcoming weeks, I get attacked by Satan, Slenderman, or a Japanese ghost-girl in an attempt to murder me/ drag me to hell, I will sue.


2nd year of mental health nurse training. Final essay sent off today

Fuck... just... fuck...

I had a chararacter who was more or less “Shaft” with the ability to persuade with his voice (e.g. Jedi Mind Trick).

A few things really bothered me in this movie that you didn’t touch on:

I would like to play this game too...but I bought the Android perk.

It’s been a frustrating week with programming...

“Once the “monster” has targeted you, it slowly but relentlessly follows you.”

“Hey, you’re black, right?”

Considering his greatness I’ve decided to cope by believing the following:

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

I’m feeling super hopeful. A very, very powerful man can be knocked down a peg for saying something awful that a little while ago would have passed unnoticed. Progress.

He referenced his own romantic experiences in a lab setting and how they were “disruptive to the science”