
Not really the marathon itself, but what happened immediately after is the point to my story.

So, a friend of mine got me hooked on the Resident Evil series, and I had played the RE3 all the way through, multiple times, while dabbling in the first two entries. When talking with a store employee about it, he recommended

Not strictly a marathon, but...

I was in college when the Diablo II expansion came out. I bought it before starting my senior thesis, and decided that I would only play the game when the thesis was complete. Sure enough, I kept to my word, finished my thesis months in advance, and got to Diabloing around. I didn’t

Yes, because nothing else in 1999 could have done it...

I’d be surprised if Vader still has working genitals.

Maybe he didnt have a memory card so he couldnt turn off his Playstation.

I dunno, if you shoved your hands in someone's ass for 13 hours you might deserve a pat on the back (no handshakes).

I tried it out of curiosity. Extremely boring with hilariously, painfully bad writing. Just cant bare it. This game plays like how I feel watching Transformers 4 - it’s just artless. Devs could’ve easily done something smart with the controversy they built, like a commentary or turn it on it’s head with some clever

13 hours?! Man, I pity you. Go get a drink or something. You’ve more than earned it.


He basically ruins everything he touches.

What Disney learned from Tomorrowland: original movies don’t draw audiences. What Disney should have learned: don’t hire Lindelof.

I wonder if it’ll be a drop in the “Maybe this Lindelof guy isn’t quite suited for blockbusters” bucket.

STOP IT DISNEY! Pirates of the Caribbean was a fluke (hard to argue that any of the sequels came close to matching the uniqueness of the first one). You think Hall of Presidents is going to be any better?

Damn you Damon Lindelof, you ruined Tron for us all.

In an old commie apartment block in an industrial town in hungary in the 80s my great uncle (he walked back from siberia on 2 mis-set legs the soviets gave him by breaking his legs and letting him heal up in one of their ‘can’t stand up/can’t sit down’ cell-boxes, village babushkas risking their lives to give him

  • classic gaming consoles

Update: Now have read the article and agree with everything except I’m surprised there isn’t more emphasis on the live stunts/actors often doing their own stunts considering insurance/danger to actors. Also, the Nicholas Hoult reason could also be applied to Charlize Theron (yes, she won an oscar for being “ugly” in

I gave my 8 year old nephew Kinect Star Wars for Christmas the year it came out. He got so frustrated with the controls after about 30 minutes of it that he started crying and yelled “This game is stupid and this is the worst Christmas ever!”. He hasn’t played it again to this day. Not really a rage quit but I still

After much success avoiding it, I caught a glimpse of my hours played in Skyrim and immediately took the game out of the system and sold it. I also deleted all of my saves from the PS3 HD to avoid any temptation of resuming play.