
Maybe he didnt have a memory card so he couldnt turn off his Playstation.

I dunno, if you shoved your hands in someone's ass for 13 hours you might deserve a pat on the back (no handshakes).

I tried it out of curiosity. Extremely boring with hilariously, painfully bad writing. Just cant bare it. This game plays like how I feel watching Transformers 4 - it’s just artless. Devs could’ve easily done something smart with the controversy they built, like a commentary or turn it on it’s head with some clever

13 hours?! Man, I pity you. Go get a drink or something. You’ve more than earned it.

I gave my 8 year old nephew Kinect Star Wars for Christmas the year it came out. He got so frustrated with the controls after about 30 minutes of it that he started crying and yelled “This game is stupid and this is the worst Christmas ever!”. He hasn’t played it again to this day. Not really a rage quit but I still

After much success avoiding it, I caught a glimpse of my hours played in Skyrim and immediately took the game out of the system and sold it. I also deleted all of my saves from the PS3 HD to avoid any temptation of resuming play.

When I was 11 years old. I went to the official Nintendo Pokemon League Mall Tour...thingy. I wrote about it a little bit here.

I was too angry at how trigger happy he was to save him. Fuck that guy.

I’m glad to see the gear changes. It respects the time a player puts into the old gear and also will just allow for more variation instead of everyone having essentially the same builds at the higher levels.

A friend I went to school with for years. We’d known each other about half our lives at the point it got weird. With disagreed politically on Facebook, and he started following every conversation I made everywhere (on any topic, even things like household cleaners) so he could troll every single conversation. When I

Ah, I just remembered another great one. It isn’t mine, but I remember it from an old EGM letters column. Somebody wrote in to say that they had hooked up their Xbox mic to their stereo so they could play music over voice chat in Halo 2. They would play the entire match with the Vengaboys’ “We Like to Party” playing

Me: “Oh, hey, this isn’t too bad so far.”

I remember seeing this ad all the time. But instead of looking at the girl, I was always looking at the guy. God, how did I not know I was gay at that age?!

What on earth were they trying to convey in this advert? Be a sweaty wiener?

This is the one I remember most. Every PC Gamer mag for a full year had this ad in the mid 90s...

A joke would be:

...except the boss battles.

Interesting nod to the fact that Darth Vader was already the father to three of Star Wars main characters: Luke, Leia, and C-3P0.

....why the hell are you saying this?

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