"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."
"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."
Wow, I bet you're a real hit at parties.
And, like, a physicist.
I was actually told that the physics on Street Fighter breasts were likely the same thing powering Rufus' belly, haha.
Did you read the letter?
"I'm using up all my nice coins and sex isn't falling out!" -Boring and Easy
The first person didn't include one question mark in their entire letter.
It's called "Ask Dr. Nerdlove"
Get the hell out.
I just treat women like other people and it seems to work pretty well.
Ya, it's almost like different people have different opinion about stuff or something...
This is a wonderful article. Vulnerable, and honest, the way true expression should be. You took us down the rabbit hole of a hurt, twisted, decimated soul and showed us two things that are absolutely unavoidable: deep inside, we are what we are, and, healing is not always fluffy kisses and chicken soup. Thank you for…
I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect.
You could have been describing my own feelings/relationship with my father in your third graph. I struggle with control issues. Nature vs. nurture? And I am a mother. But, damn, I get you. If I could control the stars, I would give you more than one.
Plus this is the gritty video game reboot batman.
The Theme From X-Files was also on Pure Moods if I remember correctly.
Gay, Jewish 90s hedgehogs in the Netherlands that were really into rough sex.
Or they could reprogram the alien to deliver walking tours instead of devouring human viscera: "...and that concludes the vent portion of the tour. On your left you will see a human cowering behind some crates. To your right, in that cluster of scenic detritus, you just might make out a tube of binding agent ..."
I think your comment is well-intented, but this —
I don't think you can discount the contribution bad writing has to this. A lot of stuff is just because game writers aren't paid as much, don't get as famous, and so, obviously, just aren't as good.
Actually care about writing enough to hire truly good talent, and you'd…