
Oh God, that entire comic era was a nightmare and total garbage.

Oh gods, I had blocked that memory.

Seriously? You’re going to claim the “twist” of Life was better than The Mist?

This was the best they could do? No one else wanted the job?

I bought this game thinking they would stop the crap they pulled with the first game. I played through the story mode and immediately gave up. I do not regret deleting D2 from my hard drive. I think any goodwill I had for Bungie is long dead and it would take a massive shift for me to ever care about one of

Born in 1977 as well. For me, I watched those movies religiously, played the RPG’s, read the comics, choked down the EU books for decades. One of my biggest complaints was that nothing dared move past the original heroes. They never failed and if they did, it wasn’t for long. When TFA came out, I enjoyed it but felt

I put about as much faith in that article as I did when someone claimed Gandalf’s “Fly you fools” line was a hint for them to find the giant eagles.

Sipping drinks with beautiful women.

Where the hell was that implied? Not arguing with you, I just never had that impression. Is it in the EU?

Damn. Reading a) made me real fucking sad.

Loved it, but it was obvious that it was some SFX people who made a vehicle for their creations, but didn’t know how to craft a solid story. Still worth seeing.

Life? Seriously?

You need a nap.

I can only speak for Utah, but since first cousins can legally marry, I would venture they are far closer than most are comfortable with.

On. The. Nose.

Your words echo mine.

Excellent exploration. I concur. All he elements that made not only the movie iconic, but tragically sad, could never be recreated in a reboot. Watching Lee on the screen is like seeing a ghost forever cursed to haunt the screen in ways not comparable to other films which had their stars pass before release. It’s

Thank you, Heather. Your review was the final sad nail in the coffin for this game. You saved me $60 of frustration. Still sad it came to this.

Can’t disagree there.

That was terrible. And 100% accurate to 80's sitcoms.