
As a white person, I’ve discovered that most of us have a lot of self-loathing and are not good people. We know this. Some of us try to do better. The ones who complain about how “most white people are good” are the ones who complain for weeks about spicy food when their mayo filled deviled eggs have too much paprika.

Well, this pretty much made me decide I need to get rid of Cards Against Humanity.

“Also, when did white supremacy collectively decide that Asians were OK?”

About the same time they realized that only animated female characters would tolerate their bullshit. 

“But I know they all have teeth.”

Holy shit, that was a poignant end to a wonderful analogy.  

I haven’t seen this movie since it came out in theaters. I remembered enjoying most of it. Guess it’s time to revist it.

He fucked up. He’s making it worse by making excuses.

Well played. Well played, indeed.
*makes note to proof read for the 100th time*

I went through and saw a number of your posts in general and plan to go back to them. Call it as an attempt to move outside of my liberal, white, Utahn origin story and experience, but I’ve been trying to expand my understanding of things I love from perspectives that I have never could experience. Anyway, that’s

Can I read more from you? I’m loving getting your perception on this as well.

I like your ideas and would like to subscribe to your publication.

Damn. Well said.

I am just about to begin this campaign. While I loved elements of this book, my warning bells went off with the language description as well. I had been curious of any POC (specifically black) had any input into the cultural development of Chult. I never followed 4th edition nor played the earlier incarnations of

Welcome to Utah,the land of “polite” racism.

I am fucking DEAD. Funniest goddamn headline of all time.

As a white person, I approve this message.

Nope, not offended in the slightest. You’re not far off from the truth.

You’re right about white Liberals. Some of us try harder, but not even NEARLY enough.

Dead serious. The LDS in Utah have a bad tendency to be really polite racists. Some you can get through to once they try to learn, but this is such a terrible “pull yourself up by your boot straps” level of bullshit here. All of this is for optics. They also created 4 new “homeless resource centers” to replace the

I have worked with him over the years. He is an egomaniac. He claims to be a Democrat, but he has driven one of the hardest lines of any DA. He does not give his prosecutors leeway to even work out plea deals without his direct approval and many people who could have gotten treatment have remained incarcerated for

Additionally, Salt Lake City has recently started “Operation Rio Grande” in which it has rounded up homeless people, placed them in a caged area OUTSIDE and has been violating the civil rights of the homeless population. All of this is driven by Rep. Greg Hughes (R) who has turned this into a nightmare rodeo.