
“Many people feel entitled to own a house. They feel that even knowing there are only 2,160 plots (soon to be 2,880) on any given server, they can and should be allowed to go at their own pace and have free access to any content they like, including housing. They want a house of their own, but they don’t want to

No, I don’t sympathize with these two.

The blame for this rests mostly with Square Enix for not having the foresight to design more housing instances for players - and also for not limiting the number of houses a single player account can own. Honestly, given the shortage - they should limit players to a single personal house per account per server.

Should they be forced to give them up? No, most likely they shouldn’t.

These people sound pretty insufferable.

Everything happens in fanfic.

If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?

Why do the characters look like blocky PS2 game? Xenoblade X was great looking.. what is this? I don’t mind subpar graphics but it looks really bad. Environments are ok..

Heavensward was fantastic. Its just that the post expansion patch content wasn’t all that great. But personally that doesn’t take away from the amazing 3.0 expansion launch and story.

You trade speed for complexity. Each class also gets a pretty high number of off-GCD skill that you need to weave in-between your basic rotation. They’re almost all cool downs, but the average cooldown is between 30-60 seconds so you cycle through them and you almost always have something about to come back up. It’s a

Agree with this. The lower levels teach you the combat system and the basics of your character. The higher levels are where the combat gets really involved, to the point that if you have even a split second of down time you aren’t doing things right. It’s easily the most involved combat system of any mmo. WoW, on the

If you played the game more, you’d probably feel different. They are actually making changes to slow the combat down because almost all players feel that it’s too much. So do the devs. It gets super super chaotic and fast later on.

Folks always talk about power fantasies and MMO’s as their go-to route to get distracted from the real world, but the Sims series has always felt like the best form of escapism in video gaming.

No thanks. The series can die for all I care if its new sequels only come out on phones.

I got hyped until I saw the word “smartphones”.

It’s immediately irrelevant if it’s on mobile. Dismissed.

I was all excited until I read mobile phones. Now I’m sad. lol

Smartphone game eh...blehhhh!