
Please stop. Please let us have one area of escapism. Let us just be gamers today.

I’m more surprised by the Liberal Democratic side quickly jumping onto the backs of Independent voters and claiming that since we didn’t vote for Hillary we caused this. 8% of the vote wouldn’t have saved Hillary.

Maybe the goat got dentures? Maybe it’s a magical corn-eating, child-terrifying yokai goat?

“save scum your babies”

Open world schenanigans. Why do I need to drive everywhere? Why can’t I just start a mission? Why are there so many icons on the map? How many of these missions do I HAVE to do? Why am I constantly interrupted by nonsense? Why can’t I just fast travel everywhere? Why do these games waste so much of my time?

Minor graphics improvements - I don’t care that the PS4 Pro makes that one fuzzy bush now look sharper. I don’t give 2 shits about the quality of Scorpio’s pixels. As long as the basic/slim consoles play the games, that’s about all I really care about.

I kinda want a version of that article on parents though. I feel my dad has the potential for loving gaming. He’s passionate about technology, he’s really smart (doctor in history and university teacher) and he used to play early PC games back in the day. But it seems I can never pitch the right game for him. He

Yeah, “cruelly attractive” is a fucking creepy thing to say. As if the person who he finds attractive is being cruel for... being physically attractive to him. A lot of red flags about this guy in that first letter. Yeah, he’s insecure as hell, but he also really needs to learn how to see women as human beings too.

Naw. The letter writer seems down on himself and probably let a bit of misplaced resentment leak through in those lines.

At least it only seems like a poor choice of words that come off sounding resentful, as opposed to the guy commenting in this thread that explicitly sounds like he’s part way through writing a manifesto.

Yeah, I wouldn’t go straight to “creep”, but it’s a little worrying how resentful those word choices make him sound.

It’s probably the same guy

I hope he has as much trouble with women as the guy who wrote the letter - The women around him will be safer that way.

I think you might be confused. You are the crazy unstable dumbass.

Yeah not you, who is clearly a psychopath, I’m the one with the problem 🤔

He can talk honestly about how he feels, but that’s not a healthy way to think about women because it’s shallow, objectifying, and unattractive.

Instead, he should meet girls who he likes spending time with because of shared interests, personal chemistry, etc. (basically for who they are as a person), and then

You seem upset.

Yeah, those were big red flags to me. Attractive women are not being cruel to you just by existing. It sounds like he has deepee issues with women and sexuality.

That’s... Yeah. That’s a weird thing to say and more of a red flag than the self-deprecation.

“Painfully attractive” “cruelly attractive”