
Free Companies. Unless you go hunting for a static or get chatty in the main endgame zone (currently Rhalgr’s Reach), your FC is going to be your main source of social connections. You might also look around to see if your server has a Discord. 

I’m not sure how Persona 5 makes it onto a list of “great but never-ending games.” It’s not even remotely open world. There’s a set calendar of events and everything, literally.

So there’s this event coming up in town that has really good enchiladas. Enchiladas aren’t everyone’s thing, but a lot of people get really excited for these enchiladas. Enough that there’s always a sign up saying, “One enchilada per person.”

But the 3DS was fantastic. Don’t blame the portability; it’s not at all related to what made the 3DS a success and the Vita a flop.

My first impression was that the characters look ancient too. The environments look nice, but the characters themselves look at least a generation behind.

I am sorry but what is UP with your PANTS, son?!

Heavensward’s story was SO GOOD. Alexander (the new Coil) left a lot to be desired, but the main story was gold.

Lalafell noses not triangular enough for you?

It’s to make it weaving-friendly. By “assassin” I assume you mean rogue/ninja. I think most Ninjas would have a panic attack if you suggested significantly shortening the amount of time they had between GCDs to get off their three-mudra jutsus.

At 50, Bard had a fairly complex weaving rotation, and the ability to actually handle the high-movement mechanics since it wasn’t bogged down with Wanderer’s Minuet yet. I’m inclined to think you weren’t doing it right, and/or not doing harder content.

The GCD is slow, but that’s because—at least with some classes—you’ll be weaving a buttload of off-global skills in between them at higher levels. And if you’re not, or more like whether or not you are, you’ll be dodging left right and center in higher raids. The low levels are boring if you’re familiar with MMOs, but

Not going to lie, I was MAD that Plisetsky won. Yes he worked hard, and yes it was a character growth moment that he wanted to win to prevent Yuuri from retiring. But it’s Plisetsky’s first time in the senior division and he’s already won gold—a historic first, we’re told. It’s not like Yurio didn’t work hard, but

I don’t want to pay $25 to turn off friendly fire. Guess I’ll just continue never using magic because my allies are always right up in the middle of that gaggle of enemies over yonder.

I really like it, actually.

It’s not a joke strip, it’s a personal coming-out strip. I felt like maybe I was missing something at first too so I went to their site and read the notes under the comic, and it tells her story. You should read it when you have a few minutes; helps dispel the confusion of wondering where the comic character stops and

That really is the draw of it. Life sucks. If you’re the nurturing type, you can make life turn out great for your sims. If you’re the vindictive type, you can inflict a little of your own pain on someone else without repercussions. Either way, you’re getting engrossed in a life that you can choose to make exactly as

I’m so upset. I’ve been waiting for this game for years now and it’s been delay after delay. Why does no game publisher manage to announce a semi-accurate release estimate anymore?

I... what. Phone game?!

When I was a kid, my dad GM’d a game for my brothers and their friend, but I wasn’t allowed because I was too little. That said, I still learned a lot about how D&D with children goes.

Would also be awesome if we adopted the alternative vote so those of us who hate both main candidates (which in this case was nearly everybody) could vote for the candidate they actually like without worrying about that “giving” the election to the main candidate they dislike slightly more.