
$50 wasted is a bigger deal to me right now since I was laid off recently, but I get what you’re saying. I still enjoy JRPGs, but for some reason it’s hard for me to finish them these days. I think I don’t like having to spend so much time working on the mechanics and the leveling and the battle systems, and would

Yeah, around when it occurred to me that I was still fifteen when I first got excited for Versus XIII, I realized I should just let it go and stop caring about XV. I hated the most recent demo and expect the game to be mediocre, and I’ve come to terms with that. Like this, the worst that can happen is I’m pleasantly



I want to try TS4 again, but I’m just afraid it still won’t grab me. I was a huge series fan through TS3 but I’m a huge micromanager and the fact that I couldn’t control multiple sims at once unless they were in the same place or right next door from each other drove me insane. I tried leaving someone at home studying

Yes, I made designer children, lol. But the genetics algorithms in that game were just SO bad if the parents didn’t look enough alike XD (And if they did... I discovered that the eldest and youngest sons of one particular household actually had the exact same face, when the youngest finally aged up...)

How is that even possible with the 8-person household limit?

I wasn’t particular on gender, but (especially in TS2) I had a big problem with having parents whose faces weren’t enough alike to produce anything short of abominations. So I would cheat to take the kid into the CAS screen as soon as he or she reached toddlerhood, age it up to an adult, make it stop being hideous,


Well I have a perfect excuse now. I got laid off ;-;

I make exceptions to the 15-year-old protagonists rule, because Persona is awesome, but I also find it generally tiring. Characters who are old enough to have a history are more interesting. Look at Ni No Kuni; Oliver and Esther were rather flat, but when they let him have his arc and actually have some importance,

Waiting hours between save points. I’m looking at you, Lost Odyssey.

Ah, in-game dating. My very first crush (and first boyfriend) was a guy I met in FFXIV. (I was, uh, REALLY late to the “getting crushes” party. Like… at least a decade late.) Even if the other party isn’t a raging psycho, it very rarely works out well. Got my heart ripped out because he couldn’t handle the distance,

I like Spirit of Justice a lot more than I liked Dual Destinies. Most of DD seemed to drag in comparison. The first case of SoJ is massively frustrating because of the whole “die lawyer scum” stuff but after that, much better.

Watched the first episode of Bloodivores because a friend wanted to, because she has not yet given up the illusion that it is possible for a vampire anime to not completely suck. It was terrible.

The console version is a lot worse than I remembered. I recently decided to restart and create a new universe through the three games, and I can’t play more than 10 minutes of Origins without getting completely sick. I’m not sure why it’s worse than I remember it being (perhaps because I have a bigger TV now?) but the

As much as I love Sokka and Toph and Appa and Momo and the cabbage man, I’ve always agreed that Iroh is the best thing about this show, and Zuko’s arc is more emotional and more meaningful than anybody else’s. Without Zuko and Iroh, the show would have been fun but largely unmemorable, I think. Even when other

I like both... D:

I enjoyed Korra immensely, and I loved the last season and most of the first, but the second season was just so bad that the show as a whole had to be knocked down in the rankings. The original was still better.

...God damn I feel sorry for his wife now.