
Haha I thought they were related as a kid too. Was very confused when I learned they weren’t.

Ah, Final Fantasy Legend. I played 2 and 3 as a kid. Not Final Fantasy games though, they just adopted that name to make them sell better XD

Here’s where I admit that I’ve never finished a pre-VI game. I started with VI growing up and by the time I went back to try IV and V, I didn’t really have much patience for grinding anymore, so I ended up stopping partway through. :x

I liked VII and VIII, and XII even—just not enough to make them one of the 8 games I’ll play until somebody rescues me from a desert island :P

I didn’t either. Don’t feel bad.

I didn’t get it either and wondered why everyone seemed so amused...

IX, VI, and X are my favorites, so I just tossed ‘em all on there :P

Personally, I prefer the Clefairy, but this is an acceptable substitute.

Is that one Clefairy still holding the Westboro Baptist Church, I wonder?

Well, considering we’re already assuming we have a TV, electricity, cables, consoles, etc., it’s probably not that big of a stretch to assume we have internet. In which case...

One of those pictures kiiiiiind of looks like Blanche is a guy. She... she makes a pretty hot guy.

No, they were DEFINITELY going for morbid and depressing.

This looks AMAZING.

From the sound of it, that feeling you’re chasing from XI is something the vast majority of XIV players would get murderously angry about. Every time I hear an FFXI player talk about things they miss from XI, all I get from the conversation is that you’re all a bunch of masochists.

It’s not about “getting good” to beat Nidhogg Ex.

For what it’s worth, I find Endir a much better character to “be” than Setsuna. I would be frustrated if “I” were supposed to be the selfless sacrificial girl trope. I was just musing to myself the other day that with Yuna, Colette, and now Setsuna, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sacrificial girl whose response to the

You know, it’s nothing like Yuri (Yuri is the best video game protagonist of all time, pretty much), but I don’t find Endir nearly as boring as people are saying. This might be because I’m naturally inclined to RP, but his battle voice did a LOT for me. It made me feel like he DID have a character, right off the bat,

I was trying to find an inn and figure out just how close I had to be standing for Cure to hit multiple people yesterday. This explains a lot.

Got through floor 40 with some guildies last night. We just happened to end up going PLD/AST/DRG/SMN. It was fun, especially with voice chat and occasional flub-ups like the time we got a “abilities locked” enchantment then decided to try and pull everything and burn it all down with a Succubus. We didn’t wipe!

As you no doubt discovered on your own by now, solo is basically impossible at first. Weapon and armor upgrades carry across saves so you have to upgrade some with a party before you could expect to survive solo.