
Too bad there doesn’t seem to be a magic pill for making one’s parents stay civil.

Very true about the fetching, Titan was the worst. Titan is about to wreck everything but go steal and egg and get me some wine.

So true. The story before Shiva ranged from good to ok to “I stopped reading,” but from Shiva on? Been on the edge of my seat.

I did this one quite a while back and basically got “well shit on a stick sister, they all suck!”

I have this pet peeve about people who were caught harassing someone or doing something else distinctly not ok being called “gentlemen.” Go ahead and call a strange man “that gentleman over there” if you have no reason to believe he’s an asshole, but if he’s setting off danger alarms, can’t we just call him “that guy”

How’s the story, though?

I go there for sugary dairy confection. If I want plain old coffee I can make it myself. Fancy sugar-ice drinks are more difficult. :P

Yes. That is one of the defined usages of an em dash, and a very common one at that.

True, but that has no bearing on Phantomzxro’s wallet, now does it?

These were fanmade though...

Thanks, I was coming here just to say I was pretty sure that FFXIV VR tech demo was just a demo and they weren’t going to bring the game to VR. Which honestly is a good thing, because jesus people have a hard enough time dodging AOEs as it is.

“nice try a-hole”

Cringing at Sam’s voice so much...

I thought he was a girl at first because of one shot where his shirt kind of poofed over his strap and I thought he had an A-cup.

Hahaha. That’s actually one thing they wouldn’t mind, because we’re mixed ourselves. But if I brought a woman through the door and implied I was dating her they’d blow a gasket, so maybe I just need to find a partner in crime.

I’m staring down the barrel of that gun myself these days thanks to dating a bisexual agnostic. I haven’t told anyone yet. I don’t expect it to go well when I do.

I grew up homeschooled in a fundamentalist household.

I never realized I needed Corgi butt in my life until just now.

Honestly, from the look of it, this game is way too perverted for that anyway. Its target audience is people who like that, so why would localization change that? I know a lot of people find this hard to believe but localization is about audience.

Oh come on dude I’m at work...