
“Sometimes, she’s drawn with a penis”

That’s... really mean, actually. It’s not her fault that her upbringing hasn’t given her any understanding of what normal life looks like and she’s never been in a grocery store before. She wants to help, wants to be useful, because she cares about Archie, even though that means going way out of her element and

Hildy is the best thing in all of FFXIV, and I say that as someone who loves the game.

It’s presently just a rumor, nothing is confirmed. However Yoshi-P has stated before that the ONLY reason the game was not brought to Xbox before was because Microsoft wanted the Xbox players on their own servers, rather than sharing S-E’s servers with Sony. If Microsoft relents, it’ll probably happen.

I feel like that would be Nashu’s recollection of the event.

Thing is, the Duty Finder will group you across the entire data center. So for the two story dungeons where you actually have to worry about being left behind—Castrum Meridianum and The Praetorium, which have like 45 bloody minutes of cut scene in them—you have to get a premade group. You are highly unlikely to get a

At least you can hide them from your screen now! Because I didn’t have many other quests at the time, I had Quake Me Up Before You O’Ghomoro sitting on the side of my screen taunting me for nine months.

What I see in this video pales in comparison to Type-0's camera. That game’s camera was without a doubt the most nauseating third-person camera I’ve ever seen.

If you think that camera motion can’t possibly make anyone sick because it doesn’t make you specifically sick, you must be an asshole on the internet.

You know, I couldn’t figure out if she was just wearing the black diamonds or if the relatively skin-toned ones were also cloth. My instinct was to think they were cloth, but then, this is a JRPG character.

Man. I was already leaning towards skipping it, given that Star Ocean games never capture me as much as I hope they will to begin with, and I’ve heard nothing but bad things about this entry. But I get sick on perfectly reasonable cameras—this is unplayable to me.

Isn’t the whole problem that you can’t turn them off this time?

What if she’s running a small business by herself? Or with only 2 or 3 people tops? Not everyone can afford that and her computer should not be automatically changing operating systems on her anyway. Before Windows 10 there was no precedent for that happening without user input.

That looks like somebody’s default “here’s what needs to go into this message” template, intended only to be an outline, and then actually tossed in as the error message without their knowledge.

Hey man, I don’t know your life. Or your grandmother.

I figured kid to adult was a more jarring transition to go through in the span of waiting for a single game, but it would also be weird if you went from, like, single to having a kid in elementary school.

It’s difficult to describe in that manner, so how about we call them “Duke Nukem’d.”


I... am guessing mouth-breathing through their neckbeards?

Ah that’s a solid idea too. I’m not even sure where the nearest police station is to where I live now, I only know the one hidden off a main road near my parents’ house.