
And you’re not using them as interesting end tables...

I am terrified of Craigslist but if for some reason I felt like I had no choice but to use it, I’d specify meeting in the lobby of my bank.

Agreed. Games with save-anywhere features are awesome. Gone are the days when save points allowed me to argue with my mom about how she just couldn’t make me stop right now, I had to be close to another save point, I’d lose so much time and progress! Now they’re a reason for me to curse adulthood, lol.

Hmm. There are plenty of spots where they’re not, but—ok the one that really got to me was where you meet Cooke and Mack, and you have to fight that why-is-this-so-hard battle to protect their flowers and then you meet Lyrum, etc. etc. I made the mistake of thinking there’d be a save point ahead of me so I didn’t go

I feel like this probably requires more actual research than two people’s personal experiences.

I would’ve preferred it reversed, though XD I’m way more excited about Persona 5.

< American who was taught to distinguish between the two and has always seen it distinguished so in anything formally published

I don’t think there’s a google answer for “why is it so long between save points sometimes in Lost Odyssey”

Hahaha XD

A year and a half ago I named my guild Bastion.

Yeaaaaaah the English voiceover kind of ruined the trailer I saw a couple months back. Fingers crossed.

I tried playing it recently since I moved in with my brother and had access to his 360. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I’m having one major issue with it: it’s sometimes forcing me to go looooooong swaths of time without the ability to save, and this has prevented me from ever playing it when I didn’t have a

No, not touchy. I genuinely thought it was hilarious.

I love how you imply that if you were born in the late ‘80s you somehow “didn’t live through” the ‘90s.

Maybe Noct isn’t too easy to recognize and won’t feel the need to keep himself unseen as much as possible. One can hope. But it definitely has the potential to go the “can’t be seen by people” direction, so I’ve got my fingers crossed.

I somehow doubt anybody can go for six months wearing a pair of jeans even semi-regularly without them stinking to high heaven.

A kindred spirit! I hated that feeling of isolation and being in a dead world in XIII also. Unfortunately, the reason XIII didn’t let me interact with anyone was probably the story, and I suspect XV is in danger of also having a story that would limit the feasibility of interacting with random NPCs...

I um, I used to read all the characters’ lines out loud in character voices. One of my biggest disappointments about X was that I had to mute it and lose the background music to continue doing so.

Hahaha exactly what I just commented too XD Great minds stink alike.

Looks like a Family Guy version of Ash to me...