
He doesn’t really like Valentine’s Day anyway, so I don’t think he has any problem with me going on a date with Persona 5 that day XD And I’m not sure why Gamestop won’t cancel mine but nearly two weeks later it still won’t so I’m trying again, and if they give me the run-around one more time I’ll try asking in a

This Prime discount is saving me a pretty penny on the Persona 5 CE <3

This Prime discount is saving me a pretty penny on the Persona 5 CE <3

Possibly because a) they’re saving NX stuff for a bigger splash later and/or b) being like “yep, you’re finally getting a new Zelda! But fuck you, Wii U owners” would be a slap in the face.

P4 was a lot looser than P3 in terms of timeline, tbh. If you wanted to max all your social links, you had a lot more wiggle room than you did in P3.

Not having seen any of the footage in question myself, it’s an interesting thought that he goes from On to Off that dramatically. Like he’s pushing himself too hard in a whole variety of ways. That could actually make him quite interesting, so this might not be as bad as it looks at first glance (“the only road to

...He thought he needed to be in shape and attractive to talk to... another guy?

Deep Dungeon is the name of the feature, The Palace of the Dead is the first such deep dungeons. Yoshi-P said that after they release the 200 floors of the Palace of the Dead they will look into creating a second Deep Dungeon.


Because everything you just said is completely subjective?

Stiiiiiiill sore I gotta go back to “Heavy Swing, wait 2.5s, Heavy Swing, wait 2.5s, Heavy Swing...”

I heard recently that Cidney isn’t even the game’s Cid? She’s Cid’s daughter or something? Don’t know if that’s true but it hacked me off when I heard it.

Thanks a lot, growing up poor in Hawaii...

Not to mention some things are worth getting outraged over.

Wish it’d turn into firecrackers instead.

Reading the victim’s letter to him was simultaneously infuriating and heartbreaking. When I got to that part where she talks about how he was all like “I’m gonna go speak at campuses about how one night of drinking can ruin a life” (please like that’s the fucking issue here) and her response is basically “One life?

So... I won’t update until the day FFXIV starts running on PS4 like it ran on PS3 and I’m told the PS4.5 runs it better.

Good lord, looking at that costume from that low angle... how the hell does she not have a front wedgie to go with the back one?


Hahaha yes absolutely, day 1. I popped over to Amazon to pre-order the CE about an hour after it got announced and it looked like it was sold out. I was so distressed I turned to GameStop... and then Amazon came back up an hour later and now I have two preorders and am trying to convince GameStop to cancel theirs. XD

Well, where should the cut-off be? If you were a fresh 60 tank, for instance, and you never got any accessory drops so you were still using an i120 tank bracelet from level 50, but you had a White Mage with full i230, would you want the game to say “110 ilvls is more important than primary stat!” and put a White Mage