
1) You say they promised less like it’s a bad thing. Clearly Microsoft and Sony promised more than they could deliver, so promising more wasn’t exactly commendable.

Well, I don’t have a Wii U so I never looked into most of these titles. I was just skimming the “did they deliver” box, and I saw a lot more “yes” than “no,” which is more than I can say for the others.

Too soon, man... too soon

Isn’t it better to only promise what you know you can deliver than to overpromise and renege on it?

Am I imagining things due to not actually counting or is Nintendo’s track record this time around much better than Microsoft’s and Sony’s?

Hahaha how creative!

All the salt I see plastered across the comments and everywhere else in reference to other Overwatch players is why I’m far too frightened to ever try out any game in the genre, lol. I would suck, as all fresh nooblets with 0 experience do, and then I’d have my skull ripped out through my own anus. No thanks.

Not sure what you mean about “which quests to track,” but they did at long freaking last make it possible for you to hide specific quests from your running quest list. Sayonara, stupid shitty Anima quest I’m unwilling to completely quit because I spent 8 or 9 hours and got just two freaking Elemental Crystals...

Given that someone else in the comments was complaining that it switched out his level 57 Warrior’s bracelet for a level 15 one because it “prioritized VIT,” I’m guessing it does in fact pick the best gear designed for the class you’re on.

Wait. Wait. What? Bracer, do you mean bracelet, wrist gear slot? Why in the seven hells do you not have a single bracelet over level 15 with Vitality on it?! Are, are you still using Strength accessories? Strength for tanks got nerfed in 3.2. Both Strength and Vitality now give equal damage potency—.45 for each.

The prereq quest was listed in the preliminary patch notes, so we found out over the weekend... I and a bunch of guildies figured out where the questline started with an FFXIV wiki and ground those out Saturday. It was annoying but once I did them it made sense why they were prereqs. Maybe read the patch notes for

You’ve got plenty of time. Even if a new expansion comes next spring, that’s plenty. We’ll most likely hear at Fan Fest in October, but yeah, ARR major patches stopped at 2.55, and we’re at 2.3, so we’re a solid halfway through Heavensward and it’s been about a year—so we could expect another expansion in a year or

Yes, it is. Lots of people are playing, although the population does wax and wane some with patches. In your case the problem is probably mostly just that folks don’t tend to hang out in the starter cities much, and they DEFINITELY don’t hang out in the starter field zones, like ever. The starter field zones are

The button is really nice since I started leveling so many dang crafters at once. I wanted to at least get the low-hanging fruit of cross-class skills before I started Moogle beast tribe quests. I worked my butt off to get Culinarian to 37 before patch, got most of the others at or nearly at 15 (stupid Leatherworker

Ok um, Kinja is borked, and always forces me to reply to the top comment of the thread, no matter where I click reply. And I can’t delete this, so... edit, ho.

Searched on Amazon, nothing. Went to the official site, expecting it wouldn’t offer Amazon, but it did. Clicked the link... it says “not currently available.”

I just texted my boyfriend with “if you wanna do Valentine’s next year, we have to do it before the 14th, because I’m spending the 14th with my love Persona 5"


Ah, so it was confirmed... that stinks. I really hated everything about Vaan. Basch would’ve been an interesting perspective character... it’s ridiculous that it’s not “safe” to let an interesting, mature man lead a story.

No, I hear you, and it’s a question I’ve been struggling with. Generally what sabotages her is her health. She has some chronic conditions that can make it impossible for her to work sometimes, usually only a few days a month but sometimes several in a row. (I do mean impossible—if she tried to drive to work she would