
Haha. Very true. Dern kids and their Lightning trilogies. Muh lawn is only for slam-dancin’ moogles!

Having to buy equipment availability with license points aggravated me. That’s what made me throw my hands up and cheat; I can understand grinding for skills but equipment should always just be an issue of money and availability, imo.

Suppose I can’t argue with that—I had a permanent party of Balthier, Basch, and Penelo, chosen entirely based on whose costumes annoyed me the least. I did tend to prefer having character uniqueness like in IX. But the license board may still hack me off royally. XD

Vaan was incredibly useless.

Wait, does this Zodiac Job System thing make the game less painful to play? At some point partway through I got sick of grinding and the only way I could keep going was to use a cheat device to give myself infinite license points so I could progress at the pace I wanted without having to stop and grind.

I suppose it’s easier to reuse and up-convert existing 3D models from the PS2 code

Are, are you in the deep south or something

Right, because work is so easy to come by, and there’s something wrong with wanting to bring quality work to the corner of a company that you represent even though you have no control over the shittiness of other areas of it.

I don’t imagine it’s his place to condemn Kotaku’s parent company’s practices publicly. Despite the relation I consider Kotaku pretty much separate from Gawker, because the journalists are all different and the quality of journalism is entirely different. Kotaku never dished it out, so Kotaku shouldn’t “have to take

I would. The writing is atrocious.

...When does Kotaku do any such thing?

I was going to come in here and point out that by your definition, nearly every legitimate piece of news or entertainment that has ever been linked to on the internet is “clickbait,” any business that has an internet presence and needs to make money creates nothing but “clickbait,” and you seriously need to review

I’ve lent a good chunk of money to a friend over a couple of years. It’s not a ton, but it’s a couple thousand and I’m 25, not exactly making bank myself. I’ve known her for probably around seven years now and while I know she has the best of intentions, her life is always going sideways. I was aware from the get-go

I’m a big fan of Bungo Stray Dogs’ opener. It’s just... catchy. The fact that I like the animation probably helps, lol.

Awesome. Thanks.

It very well could be, but that doesn’t mean they’ve done it. Modders did a ton of work on that kind of stuff in TS3, and EA has a bit of a track record of not necessarily thinking those things through too well. For instance, if one had the Showtime expansion pack, townies had an unpleasant proclivity to walk around

Oh, I forgot that one. I didn’t actually make any gay sims until 2. I did get them married in 2 but it’s possible they put a different name on it and I just went “eh same difference.”

...They explained absolutely 0 of this in that demo. I did what the stupid game told me to. T_T Sigh.

The only thing that bothers me about that is, how often are we going to have randomized sims (townies, adopted children, heck maybe even biological children) who end up with A sex and distinctly B body type just because of the randomization? I mean I get that this happens sometimes IRL and there’s nothing to be

Well they have Barbie crotches but they’re still shaped differently. All the secondary sexual characteristics are there.