
I couldn’t figure out if my problem was TS4 not scratching the itch properly or just not having the itch much. But my TS3 game is unplayable now because literally any custom content breaks it and I refuse to play vanilla... I’ve reinstalled more than once and it’s still a problem, so I wonder if they patched it to

Nope. Absolutely not. The Sims has allowed gay relationships and gay marriage since the very first game like 16 years ago. The big tizzy around TS4 before launch was the lack of the Toddler age group.

Yeah, I’m not big on action games but sacrificing responsiveness in the name of realism makes an action game very not fun.

It felt like there was, but maybe that was due to them trying to have a more “realistic” movement speed. Not that delay should explain standing there holding down the “hold this to dodge” button and still getting smacked in the face every time.

The gay person who promised to make me a real boy and then reneged on the deal, clearly.

I know too many folks who are trapped there. Can we try Oklahoma instead

I know Azerbaijan as that country YWAMers go to all the time that I’d never heard of before my parents joined YWAM. (Missionary org.)

...Can, can we exile all those people somewhere they can’t interact with the rest of human society?

By which we mean, they should’ve just denied the request without saying a damn word and thereby passed it off as randomized.

Aw man, I’m still not a real human? That fairy tricked me!

...And yet if they had simply denied the key without giving any written response whatsoever, it could be written off as a random occurrence. Instead, they decided to take as inflammatory an approach to it as possible, in the name of their “freewill.” No way that could go over poorly, folks.

So. Damn. True.

I finally got around to playing the Platinum Demo, and I don’t know what I was doing wrong but fighting that Iron Giant at the end was a hot mess. “Hold square to dodge” Ok... um... I just ate like six attacks in a row to the face and now I’m almost dead. “Press triangle to warp” ok well I appear to be targeting the

Hear, hear! I guess I’m not a longtime fan so maybe that’s why I’m not jaded and bitter, but I too enjoyed Zestiria. I played with my brother and admittedly everything is more fun that way, but we were laughing our asses off or talking about what’s coming or what we think happened most of the way through. The timeline

...Death threats. For reporting on a fact that is decided well outside the reporter’s realm of control?

Costco cans, y’know.

...I liked it well enough...

Well said, and I wish I could star that more than once.

My dad and his family are native Cantonese speakers too, but I’m born and bred in ‘Murica—so thanks for sharing your perspective :3

It’s a matter of history and cultural pride. The Chinese are a very proud people with very long memories. It’s not the nbd to them that it clearly is to you, and just because you can’t see how doesn’t mean it’s “silly.”