
I think it’s less about relearning them and more about the cultural baggage that goes with this. My dad’s family is from the Hong Kong area, and they speak Cantonese. My dad was raised in Chinatown and he still calls Mandarin “the language of the oppressors.” He likes to repeat that Mandarin only became the official

Zarnyx hiiiiiiii!

LOVE that track, and almost the entire rest of the OST. Emil’s theme always makes me cry. I just adore it.

I can’t remember why I skipped the subligar, but I think it’s because I went from the 8/10 gear to the 14 gear so fast. Then again I may also have just refused point blank to humiliate myself any further. I dunno man, it’s been well over two years now. XD

Nice. Well, of course FC mates are always the best bet, I’m just surprised strangers would help out. That’s a good sign.

If it makes you feel any better, once you get the “ending” after the Praetorium, you can kind of space out the main story quests and their storylines until 2.3 or even 2.4 (so after Leviathan or after Ramuh). The story really picks up with 2.4. I think I’ve heard 2.3 was better than 2.1 and 2.2 also, but to be honest

Did, did you actually get a party doing that? I’m impressed. Which server? Most of the time a PF like that goes precisely nowhere.


The stuff you’re describing is definitely optional. I hate crafting and gathering, so I just don’t do them. Leves? They can be good for exp if you need it, but you won’t need it on your first class. All you’ll need is main story exp, required dungeons, and the occasional leveling dungeon roulette when you get further

Nope. You still get level synced. Think about it, if you didn’t, then a first-time tank going into Sastasha and getting randomly matched up with a bunch of higher-level players would be absolutely screwed. He’d never have a chance to practice holding aggro because he wouldn’t have a prayer. New healer? Nobody needs

Hildibrand is the best thing that ever happened to FFXIV short of Yoshi-P. Those quests are the perfect pick-me-up for a bad day.

I did Castrum and Praetorium before they were totally faceroll easy, but after people had started speedrunning them. It was around 2.2 I think? Back then the trick was to form a premade party. Now it’s the same, except you are more likely to get one or two or three people with level 60 toons to go with you unsynced

It’s not that I think this craptacular ad is going to sink Mighty No. 9. It’s that I don’t think people talking about it is going to HELP the game, at all. Just the fact that we’re talking about it doesn’t automatically mean those of us who hate the ad and don’t plan to buy the game lose some kind of game of “gotcha!”

That was a pretty different situation. That was a case where people legitimately hadn’t heard about it before the outrage started, so it’s not like it was lowering people’s already existing opinion of the game. I don’t know what rock I’d have to look under to find a gamer who hadn’t heard of Mighty No. 9.

I put a lint roller in my desk drawer...

I think dressing professionally involves a formal skirt or dress pants, a nice blouse, maybe a suit jacket or something similar, and dress shoes, whether flats or heels.

So basically what you’re getting at is that the only negative outcome is being ignored. Being hated is great.

Those jokes are cringeworthy...

It really isn’t.

Perhaps because in Japan it’s also a Vita game? Or maybe a budget issue?