
Honestly, I’d rather it not be. The most I’d like to see is a subtle nod in the background here or there, not anything tied into the plot, even only slightly. The subtlety of Chrono Cross’s ties to Chrono Trigger were not its strong point.

Glad I’m not the only one. It didn’t seem to fit very well and needed... I don’t know, filters or something to make it less jarring. Could’ve used better writing and a better performance too. The music was beautiful but that voiceover...

I’m not crazy about that English voiceover, but my god that piano is beautiful.

It’s a pretty good game, but it’s a) extremely different from Chrono Trigger, b) very confusing and somewhat convoluted, and c) deeply connected to Chrono Trigger... only if you read a dissertation about it, because if you just sort of play the game and take what it says at face value, the connections look tenuous at

So... practice wearing them, but don’t wear them if you can’t walk in them, or you’re an idiot?


Neh, I’m irritated by both.

Wait. Since when is hiring cosplayers even a thing?!

Fire Emblem by Gainax? I don’t think Fire Emblem fans deserve their show/movie to be 50% live, unrelated footage filmed with a cheap camera and run through a filter...

Ditto. Not sure what they were expecting for it to be a disappointment. It hasn’t been unfaithful to the game, it isn’t poorly acted, the animation may not be super expensive-looking but it’s not crappy like some people are saying (comparing it to Sailor Moon Crystal? Did you SEE the transformation sequences in

I heard that too but it looks fine to me. Looks extremely Ace Attorney-ish, that’s all... which... well... I’m used to that. Honestly it feels nice to me to see the characters fully animated, lol.

They think Ace Attorney and Bungo Stray Dogs are disappointments?! I’m really enjoying both of them. Screw you, poll responders >:(

Sure, but from what I’m hearing, it’s not like he had well argued points. He just hated it for the sake of hating it. So people are being punished for one jerk’s opinion that he can’t even substantiate?

I don’t even play Uncharted and I was a little upset to see that because of all the articles Kotaku has run about how game devs get punished with no bonuses and stuff like that if the Metacritic average is too low, and this would be pointlessly and unfairly dragging that average down.

Ah, Last Story. I never did figure out how the heck to go back to older dungeons to grind exp and actually keep it. And then I got stuck on a boss wildly underleveled but past a point of no return so I couldn’t have gone back to level even if I’d figured out how.

Poor Yoshi-P D:

I managed to somehow completely forget what “shinju” meant until AFTER the episode where that part of the title became apparent. I couldn’t decide if I felt dumb or relieved that it wasn’t spoiled XD

And then it ends on a “look forward to the next season!”:/ I’m not sure what I expected from the ending, but it was not Kikuhiko hallucinating the ghost of Sukeroku and Konatsu having a mystery baby.

Whoa there man, the question mark and exclamation point never did anything to you

Meanwhile, determined as I was to hang toilet paper of righteousness that I might wipe my bum with virtue, I just put up with my stupid cat being obnoxious for like five years until she got bored of it.