
Mia heard your prayers

It did, at least, give us my favorite Awkward Zombie comic of all time.

Aww. I don’t think it’s a great service to fans to let a character mature and develop and then strip that away for the sake of cheap gags, but maybe we’re in the minority. :’(

I liked that he got to grow up and not act like a rookie all the time anymore in his beanie phase. I get that that works better for a “mentor character” and they always have the player character freaking out, but I really feel like Phoenix should at least be better at hiding that flip-out reaction by now. The man has

My new life goal is to get thrown out of a cult meeting like you were.

Everyone just (fairly reasonably) expected that these franchises wouldn’t skip a whole console generation. Particularly such a long console generation.

Yeah, now it sounds like the kind of game that will make me physically ill. Action cameras make me sick; it’s why I hate action games. T_T I’m not thrilled they’ve turned a numbered Final Fantasy into an action RPG. I used to power through Kingdom Hearts games but they made me sick to my stomach and I’m just not

Oh sure, we’ll be able to. But it’s hardly the system-seller I thought it was going to be for me years ago (since I was a teenager, I always had to wait several years before I could upgrade to current gen). Although to their credit they didn’t announce P5 back then, at least. We were all just hoping.

By now I have a

Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha h... huuuuuuuh...

Aaaaaand this is precisely why I can’t feel hyped for XV now. I was super hyped when they first announced it. Wanted a PS3 specifically for Versus XIII, because I heard they weren’t going to restrict it to a T rating and I thought it would be nice to avoid another ridiculous scene like X-2's where Lenne and Shuyin are

Good luck, man. The only thing I can think of is to coach your girlfriend on your parents’ culture and views of what’s polite and such so that they’ll see her as a well-mannered girl and minimize the culture shock issue.

Well, his parents brought the girl over for him. He was kind of doomed, poor guy. I never did ask my dad what happened to him after that...

Well, yes. Obviously. And it was my Chinese dad’s family who objected to my parents’ relationship, not my white-and-Jewish mother’s family. But the stereotype is the racist white southerner, and I was just expressing my shock that people matching that stereotype actually exist.

My dad’s family was initially opposed to his marrying my mom... they wanted him marrying a nice Chinese girl. They did say some less than flattering things about her, even with her right there, in Chinese so she couldn’t understand. He left a few family gatherings incensed at them... but he says what made his mom come

Personally, I’ve been holding out more hope for the characters and story, because they could be way better than they look from here, whereas the gameplay is what it is. But I think I probably do have to abandon my hopes of ever seeing a new Final Fantasy cast with as much chemistry as FFIX’s (excepting Amarant, of

Like people have been saying, P3 and P4 are the “new style” of Persona games. P1 and the two P2 games were pretty different and probably wouldn’t give you a good feel for the series as it exists in P5 and forward.

It does look beautiful, but yeah, the gameplay concerns me. I’m not a fan of action RPGs in general, but especially not in my Final Fantasy games, where I never had to worry about having good reflexes and dodging stuff. Plus I get nauseous really easily and the camera does not look to be a good time unless I can zoom

I remember hearing rumors about a worldwide release, but I don’t think that’s a confirmed thing. Even if it once was, Winter 2015 was once a confirmed thing. So... I’m 99% sure we’re not geting a simultaneous release. The question is exactly how long we’re stuck waiting...

SMT and Persona never do censor themselves.

I’m also looking forward to P5 more than FFXV. But I also don’t expect to like XV. I hate pseudo-action RPGs.