

I agree completely... I’m getting Persona 5 the day it launches in English, but FFXV? I’m waiting for reviews.

Honestly the only thing I heard in there that makes me really want this game is “wookie cookies.”

While the concept sounds interesting, having a set end where you’re just out of lives—in addition to very likely dying while you’re off playing another game, if you’re the type who puts an MMO down for a long period of time—seems pretty limiting to me.

My first reaction to the headline was, “Well of course. If she’d left that sucker at home it would’ve been dead by the end of the night.”

Dont’ forget taxes! <3

With the difference that it seems more than just students get to celebrate it.

Re: FFXIV, I think it’s fun, because it’s just-for-fun weapons/minions/mount that I don’t have to pay for because they’ll be part of an event. XIV has done plenty of crossover events with other games before and the silly feel of them isn’t foreign to a game with Hildibrand, Inspector Extraordinaire, in it.

I wish we had a concept like Golden Week in America. Just because I can’t think of the last time I got to take an entire week off at once. Sometime in school, probably.

I suppose 10 minutes into queue isn’t as bad as 20. I’ll take it.

3.0x left endgame pretty stagnant for a while, and 3.1 didn’t have nearly enough depth, but 3.2 has been great. The content argument stopped being as valid with 3.2. Same pattern as in 2.x, I’m told (I was still a sproutling when 2.2 hit so I don’t recall 2.1 endgame at all).

Does that mean that after this event it will be fixed and Brynhildr will finally stop booting me out of the game 20 minutes into a dungeon queue?

I almost bought a Wii U for the new Zelda, but after buying a PS3 for Final Fantasy Versus XIII back in the day, I decided to wait for a concrete release date. (In fairness, I never regretted the PS3, but it had a lot more other games I was interested in than most non-handheld Nintendo consoles ever do.)

So... at a glance I read “Romancing Salsa.”

Ok then... how does it actually work

*continues crying salty tears*

Am, am I the only person who sees that picture and immediately thinks “ow, her nose”? I don’t know jack about archery but that looks like it would hurt...

Heh, thanks. >.<

It does! Although the majority of the comments I’ve seen in this thread so far make me feel like a horrible excuse for a Christian for not considering agnosticism a dealbreaker. I’m not sure why I kept scrolling when it all just made me feel guiltier and guiltier.

That description of the heavily religious is precisely why I keep trying not to tell my parents I’m seeing someone. Because last time I did, the first question was “Is he a believer?” The honest response was “He’s Catholic.” This was then met with an even more vehement “BUT IS HE A BELIEVER” to which I responded “HE’S