
Wait. I’m confused. Why is ethnic food on the list of things conservative people don’t like??

I grew up one of those girls, sort of. Never the most serious case. My best friend was one of them and I had to do a lot of prying to get her to accept my video game and anime hobbies. We also got into a huge fight once because I drew an artistic nude of a fairy on a lily pad (absolutely nothing was showing due to the

Holy jesus sporking christ that sounds like the biggest pain in the ass ever.

Yeah... it was probably about her finances. That was why I took over the groceries, because she had overestimated her capacity before moving out and things were too tight. But it was still a shock to hear her tell me that she’d had a breakdown at work to her boss and it was all MY fault because... reasons. She

She did sign the lease with me. But in fairness she paid half of the expenses related to the rental itself, like the fees and stuff. Not worth suing over just the extra month and building-wide shared utilities cost from her not turning the key in early enough. I was also struggling to get past the worst part of it for

Oh my. Such cynicysm, lol. I am also a girl. She was a close friend at the time and we don’t speak anymore after she put me through essentially a friend breakup... but I still have plenty of other great girl friends.

I knew it was familiar but I spaced and thought they’d made a new one since it’s time-sensitive. Nope. Derp.

I was a few months into a new job and finally making enough to support myself. I moved out with a roommate. Six weeks later, I broke my ankle within 24 hours of her telling me she couldn’t stand living with me anymore and was leaving immediately (there was no warning and she couldn’t articulate what I had done to

WELLP see me doing a great job not paying attention to the post dates of comments. Dangit Kotaku and your re-posted posts!

How’s Bravely Second been for you so far? :3 I haven’t gotten far but I remember why the first game was so addictive. The demo didn’t really hold my attention—I didn’t even finish it—but Default’s demo had also left me unsure so I kept my pre-order anyway. Glad I did.

I’m gonna add Persona 5 to that list... it was supposed to come out last year originally, and then they said this summer, and still no date—are we even getting it this year? ;-;

(There ARE some New 3DS-exclusive games though...)

Well, life goes on, even while he’s in a coma. Kayo actually talks about feeling kind of guilty about that, but he’s the reason she’s alive... she ought to live.

I think everyone’s ship was sunk upon finding out she was married.

It’s because he thinks her murder is a crime of opportunity and if she’s not left in the park alone the murderer won’t go after her, so he’s hoping that by keeping her company until that day has passed she’ll be safe, the future will change, and his mother will still be alive.

They should’ve found a song from 1988.

Yeah, when Satoru goes back to the present and reads over the case notes in his mom’s ex-co-worker’s office that’s when he comes across that tidbit and states that the killer knew Hiromi was a boy and killed him to avert suspicion from himself.

Honestly, I liked it too. But the manga ending is a lot more in-depth and ties Airi and Kenya into the story a lot more. I liked the anime ending as it was, and rated the show a solid 10/10 because I loved every second of it... but reading the manga ending afterwards was also incredibly satisfying. I think if I’d read

The anime was pretty faithful to the manga until the last couple of episodes after the drowning bit. It shows a lot more about how the guy got that twisted in the first place, and how Satoru was actually tied to him since long before either of them realized. Plus Satoru’s road to recovery is a lot longer and a lot

Erased is the best show I’ve seen in a long time. That said, I haven’t watched Rakugo yet. (It’s on the list! As soon as I saw “Genre: Josei” I was sold. There’s so little josei anime out there.)