
This is exactly the type of thing that will kill Uber and Lyft and all those other supplemental income jobs. The reason it took off is because it was cheaper and there were millions ready to drive because it was simple and easy to get into it.

Workers aren’t forced to work for Uber/Lyft...they’re doing it by choice and they should know what the costs are. Regulating it makes no sense to me, do the law makers realize it will make Uber/Lyft disappear which will actually take income away from people who rely on these gigs to make a living?

And this people is why we cant have nice things. When it started Uber was a side gig for people that already have jobs to make a few bucks on the side. Then a bunch of people decided to do it full time and bitch about how the system doesn’t work as they assume it should. Uber/Lyft didnt do anything to discourage this

So all this time my wife has been trying to pass a drug test?

He didn’t get dusted; he was killed by Thanos when he yanked the stone from Vusion’s forehead. But why didn’t they restore the stone on him after the battle? Was his corpse not around anymore?


Woke white blogger feels like other people should have to pay for reparations (after all, woke white blogger isn’t responsible for racism!) is perfectly on-brand for Splinter 2019.


Probably more of the trickle down BS that already existed in AoS. The movies are referenced in the show, but the show or the characters are never referenced in the movies.

‘Yes, Agents of SHIELD will be part of the MCU’

Next stop: Liberty University

Live reaction from Nike’s Quality Control Department meeting:

Holy shit the plan also calls for the total elimination of nuclear power! This is just farcical.

I play these ‘boring’ sims but still enjoy my time playing. With competitive games, I found that a win felt good, but not good enough to offset how stressed I felt every time I performed poorly. In these sims everything you do is moving you forward. Your fields need to be planted, fertilized and weeded to maximize

Extactly this. These people are Regressive Leftists DESTROYING the left wing with every bullshit fake article. Every double down. Every continued tantrum. All the commenters who are ignoring massive evidence, and even Phillips retracting his comments. All of the jerks still writing these articles are creating Trump

this is an excellent comment

“...despite video evidence that he walked into the space separating the students and Black Israelites and stood there before that students formed a semicircle around him. “

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

Without questioning whether the kid acted as awfully as portrayed, I must say that the lead speaker in the “Black Israelite cult,” without a doubt a fully grown man, comes off as the most vile, inflammatory person in the video.

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo.