Don’t carry the bag on the plane if you can’t put it in/get it out of the overhead bin.
Don’t carry the bag on the plane if you can’t put it in/get it out of the overhead bin.
Don’t stand up to exit the plane until the people ahead of you are walking towards the exit. Sometimes you may need to step back a row or two to grab a bag from the overheads.
Auto stop/start. From what I can tell it really doesn’t impact overall fuel economy that much and just makes for jerky starts at stoplights and stop and go traffic. It’s an automatic motion for me now to turn it off when I start the car.
In my ‘15 Durango, I’d say the least used function are the paddle shifters. I’ve used them in the mountains to better maintain cruising speeds, but for the majority of my driving in the Midwest they’re pointless.
sloooow and steady.
More than that, I’m delighted. In Fridley Minnesota in 2010, a loud pipes shop opened about 600 feet from my house. It drew bikers from miles around. All hours of the spring summer and fall, they’d open the throttle on the 60 MPH highway adjacent to the store and half a black from my house. You couldn’t sit outside…
No, it’s just correct at this point. Whatever this company may have been in the past, it’s just an overpriced toy for fat middle-aged dentist who feels the need for attention by breaking noise regulations. Nobody wants a Harley anymore nor should they. And as to evolving with the times, doubt it, I’m scared to drive…
Harley-Davidson’s Slow Decline Is Getting Hard To Watch
The reason given as to why they drive up on the rock are more or less the same reasons why pedestrian fatalities are up.
Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.
Workers aren’t forced to work for Uber/Lyft...they’re doing it by choice and they should know what the costs are. Regulating it makes no sense to me, do the law makers realize it will make Uber/Lyft disappear which will actually take income away from people who rely on these gigs to make a living?
And this people is why we cant have nice things. When it started Uber was a side gig for people that already have jobs to make a few bucks on the side. Then a bunch of people decided to do it full time and bitch about how the system doesn’t work as they assume it should. Uber/Lyft didnt do anything to discourage this…
So all this time my wife has been trying to pass a drug test?
Woke white blogger feels like other people should have to pay for reparations (after all, woke white blogger isn’t responsible for racism!) is perfectly on-brand for Splinter 2019.
Next stop: Liberty University