
My suggestion from living in a downtown area: Don’t enter an intersection unless you’re certain you can clear it before the light changes. The downtown area gets clogged up at rush hour, and I can’t count the times people have creeped into an intersection when the traffic ahead of them isn’t moving, and ended up

It happens when only the middle seats are left. Granted, it’s rare, but on a few occasions couples have asked me to move from my aisle seat to a middle seat so they can sit together. Nothing like telling them no, and then sitting next to one of them for a few hours.

If you want to roll the dice by leaving your belt on when going through the metal detector, and it goes off, you should have to go back to the end of the line.

My Soutwest gripe, if I’m alone and seated in an aisle or window seat, don’t aske me to give it up so you can sit with your significant other. I’ll gladly move for parents with children, but you can go for 90 minutes with not being seated next to your boyfriend/girlfriend.  Learn to be apart.

Every time I’m in the Pre-check line and see someone get turned away at the TSA agent because they’re not pre-check, I can guarantee they’re going to be the slowest person to get through regular security.

I’m willing to forgive anyone who’s stressed about making a tight connection, but I really can’s stand being seated in the aisle seat and having someone standing directly over me for the 10 minutes it takes for the folks in front of us to get moving.

I’m more than happy to help parents with young kids or the elderly, but able bodied adults should just learn to only pack what you’re able to maneuver in and out of the overhead bin by yourself.

I just want Android Auto to add the Report Speed Trap feature on the display like it is in the Maps app. 

Everyone talking about Spider-Man and Boba Fett, and I’m just sitting here furious about Street Sharks blatantly ripping off the Langley Falls Bazooka Sharks.

Sour cream is my go to replacement for milk in mac-n-cheese.  It lasts so much longer in my fridge, and it makes the mac-n-cheese much thicker.  The sour flavor is really mild in the end.

This is some genius level strategy to set up a few hosts to fail so the actual long term pick has a much lower bar to clear going forward. Levar or whoever doesn’t have to face Trebek comparisons, they just have to be generally uncontroversial and likable for a late afternoon syndicated trivia show and be better than

Rewatching it now, two things really stand out. After the initial alien attack, Will Smith and Harry Connick Jr.’s characters are way too cavalier while preparing to go into battle, joking around after millions had just been murdered. After living through 9/11, the world went dead serious for weeks after, so this just

Can we just admit we want a Tron 3 soundtrack by Daft Punk and don’t really need the accompanying movie?

The service Twitter offers is not providing a platform for its users. The service Twitter offers is placing advertisements in front of those users. If Twitter were selling ad space to the Iranian regime, or if users had to pay for using the site, that would be an issue. But as it is, this is no different than a news

I’ll wait for the reviews. If it’s good on it’s own (it won’t be), I’ll check it out. If it’s just ok, but Feige promises it’ll have an impact on the rest of the MCU (he won’t), I’ll check it out.  Otherwise, I’m happy to skip it.

A recording of yourself having sex belongs in here somewhere.

My modest proposal would be to let the voluntarily un-vaccinated kids go to school, and just make sure they were all in the same class together, separate from the kids who were vaccinated or un-vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons. I wonder how those parents would feel about it when their child is surrounded by

The scene works to completely up the stakes compared to the first Avengers movie. Thanos snuffs out Loki, the main villain of the first Avengers. He defeats the Hulk, the hero who originally beat the crap out of Loki in hand to hand combat without even using the power of the infinity gauntlet. And finally, he takes