
‘Your boss will not save you when push comes to shove, as things did at Mic yesterday—even if he’s sobbing and appears quite distraught to cast a hundred people into an uncertain financial future.’

I just genuinely do not like most bluetooth earbuds I’ve seen or tried. The concept of having to have a battery pack attached to your headphones/earbuds (coupled with actually charging them) sounds awful.
HOWEVER, though I am a recently defrosted caveman and your modern world scares me, I understand this is how we’re

Idea: What if we boost new car sales by paying bounties for scrapping old cars?

Oh is it time again to shit on people for giving away vast sums of money only because they have even more money? That’s such a fun game to play, especially for people who don’t hardly give any of their money away.

The initial round of grants total $97.5 million, representing about 1/20th of his proposed investment in the fund, and about 0.0006 percent of his net worth.

So should he just give away all his money and then white liberals be pleased?

The “Thin Blue Line” idea is the embodiment of a terrifying philosophy that suggests the only reason people ever do the right thing is the threat of force when they don’t.


Extras from a Guy Ritchie movie? 


She is 100% native politician, though.

Man, this sucks. In trying (after it’s been far too long for it to matter) to prove that she’s got Native blood, she’s become that insufferable white person who talks about how they’re 1/32 Cherokee and it is such a meaningful part of their journey, blah blah blah.

If she did it to get Trump to give up a mil, then, that’s cool. But, let’s be real, she, at one point, claimed she was more than about 10% Native when she put herself on the Minority Law Teacher list as Native American while she was at U. Penn. Law School.

He got better

Isn’t this the right move? We want player safety right? Yeah it was fun to watch but this type of play could inadvertently cause a punt returner to get absolutely wrecked when they are calling for a fair catch because no one wants to look like Arkansas.

Hot take, but they are right to ban this kind of play. With the targeting rules as they are in the NCAA, players are (as they should be) gun-shy about clobbering a dude just standing there defenseless. Hell, it might even be a personal foul even if it’s a live play -- the refs could just say he had given himself up.

The play was a risk for Brewer, leaving him wholly unshielded if anyone on the coverage team sniffed out the ruse and decided to plow into him at full speed.

This. A million times this.

Every day, hundreds of millions of Americans play the game - go to work, earn money, spend money, repeat. Save a little coin along the way and one day you retire. That’s the way the game has always been played.

But yet, when we look at those who have been more successful at playing the exact

That’s what kills me about people writing “articles” like this. What business is it of theirs how much someone chooses to give away, or who they give it to? No one made Bezos give that money away, so no matter if it was $1 or $2,000,000,000, it’s up to him to decide if and how he wants to use his money.

I don’t condone greed, but I also am not one who thinks it’s my job to tell Jeff Bezos what to do with his money.