
Dumb question here, could he play lacrosse while wearing a helmet from another sport, like football or hockey?  Is there such a significant difference between the protections/functionality of the helmets among these sports that he’s just shit out of luck?

Infinity War had the luxury of assuming the audience had seen the movies and not only knew who all of the characters were, but also where they were in their individual character arcs. Now, I would expect most people would know who the characters are from the Netflix series, but unless they had sat down to watch the

Any systemic changes that don’t include ranked choice voting for national elections won’t see any real reforms.  It’s the only way to challenge the two party duopoly.

This holds true for single-sex leagues where the players have a wide variety of athletic talent as well. We all just want to get out there and swing a softball bat in between sipping beers, and no one is handing out scholarships or professional contracts.

Ahh tax evasion. During my brief unremarkable stint as a waiter, I was let known that so long as you were reporting tips of around 10-12%, management wouldn’t question it. Of course if the IRS came around, they might have questioned why I was making around 15% on my credit card tips and 5% on my cash tips.

Porter re-injuring himself in the SEC basketball tournament would be the most Mizzou thing to happen ever.

Feeling embarrassment involves some sense of pride or shame, which I would assume is sorely lacking in the White House.

Even worse than it is now. We didn’t have the money for this shit last year, and we won’t have the money for this shit this year either.

They must really piss you off with how much they just want to leave you alone.

If deficits don’t really matter, why bother collecting taxes at all?

Agreed, we don’t have the money for any of this shit.

The US ended 2017 with a $666 billion budget deficit. We don’t have the money for any of this shit.

I get about one or two of these a month at my first.last@gmail address. If it’s a person sending the email, I’ll usually respond, but it’s really frustrating getting automated emails with no way to immediately opt out without getting into the account. There was one site where I had to create an account just so I could

$20 for a novelty t-shirt, sure. $20 for a novelty fidget spinner on my keyboard, fuck right off. $1.98 with prime shipping, AT MOST!

Thank you for putting the idea into my head that someone with more money than sense would be an angel investor for fidget spinner keys.

The only thing distinguishing these cities from every other city in the US is their overwhelming restrictions on new residential construction. Those wealthy residents don’t want these cities to change with the addition of high density residential buildings, so the cities use their power to restrict the construction of

I can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to find the first mention of ranked choice voting. It’s not a panacea, but it’s the only viable option I’ve heard to break up the two party duopoly.

There are plenty of assets that are protected from creditors such as your primary residence and retirement accounts (varies by jurisdiction). I don’t see how your organs would be less protected from creditors in the even of a lawsuit or bankruptcy. It’s no different from how you’re free to earn a living working a job,

You analogy is to compare a situation where an otherwise unobjectionable act, donating organs, becomes objectionable when compensation is brought is, with a situation where the underlying act, homeless fighting, is objectionable with or without compensation. Unless your position is that homeless fighting is fine so

Your analogy doesn’t really hold up here. Your objection to compensated organ donation seems to rest on the compensation, not on the organ donation itself, as I presume you do not object to uncompensated organ donation. I would say that the objectionable part of paying the homeless to fight is not the compensation but