
Are you suggesting that a healthy person donating an organ is equally as harmful (and objectionable to you apparently) as engaging in a fist fight? If so, why would anyone be allowed to donate an organ if you consider it to be harmful and in violation of a doctor’s Hippocratic oath?

I don’t see how the Hippocratic oath applies here. If a doctor deems someone fit to donate an organ, what difference does it make as far as “do no harm” whether the donor is compensated or not?

While sad, people make decisions under desperate circumstances all the time. Prohibiting them from taking those courses of action does nothing to alleviate their circumstances.

You may run into some issues with the 13th Amendment, unless you’re not quite alive when the sale takes place.

The issue is really simple if you truly believe people have control over their own bodies. You may disagree with someone’s decision to sell a kidney at a price you feel is too low, but what right do you have to prevent someone from selling a portion of their body if they choose to do so?

I like the variety of craft beers, but there’s definitely a line between a beer I enjoying having one glass of at a bar, and a beer I can drink all day bought in a six pack. What’s ironic is that the beers I’ll only have one of at a bar is either the craft beer variety, or a can of the truly shit beers (Hamms, Old

Is hackey sack still a thing?

I wonder which half...

This just really looks like some executive said “People seem to love Easter Eggs in movies, let’s just make a movie with nothing but Easter Eggs.”

Having a right to abortion, like any other right, doesn’t grant you the right to force others to pay for it. Let’s see how this sounds with a right other than abortion:

I’m gonna go ahead and blame this on the Longhorn network. I already blame it for conference realignment and global warming, so just add this to the list.

You apologize for something you’re sorry for, something you regret doing, something you agree shouldn’t have happened, or something you want to prevent from happening again. None of these are remotely true for United. They created the overbook situation, and they’ll continue to create these situations where people

This is exactly what happens when you abandon the presumption of liberty. When we look to the government to regulate every aspect of our lives, believing those in power would only act in the public interest, you build the foundation for this sort of abuse by idiots like these. If that group of Muslims owns the land,

I only opened this article to read the comments, so thank you for that.

His lies only work because people have been told countless times that the government, and specifically the president, are responsible for creating jobs in the US, not corporations like Sprint.

If the wrong person getting elected to a political office can ruin your life, maybe that office has too much power.

You’re really kind of stretching for a reason to shit on Ted Cruz.

I look forward to the similar rant about how soft Jimmy Fallon goes on Hillary Clinton after Monday’s show.

The editorial forgot the line “OSU would totally hand over a win to CMU if we had won the game because of a bad call. Also, our farts smell like roses.”

All I can think about is trying to sleep in one of the nearby apartments.