
ITT: I’m Tired of Trying

I don’t need a RDJ cameo in the Netflix shows, but I desperately want the Defenders to have a small role in Infinity Wars, something as small as a cameo from those small screen characters in one of the movies as a reward for those dedicated fans who consume everything the MCU has to offer (but not significant enough

I love the parade of nations simply because I’m interested to see each country’s most attractive people best athletes. That and Bermuda shorts.

The Olympics are like some horrible reality show where they treat the contestants like complete shit and they get away with it because there’s always more people willing to put up with it to be famous.

Every once in a while Fox News gets something right, but always for the completely wrong reason.

Nothing against Chicage, I don’t think any city can dodge the clusterfuck that the Olympics have become for their hosts.

Congratulations Chicago on dodging that bullet.

Part of the experience of being a Kansas basketball fan is having to suffer through college football season.

No Contra? Pass.

Still holding out hope for a Beta Ray Bill appearance in this movie (or in a GOTG movie).

Rand Paul’s dropping out of the race should have been disappointing to the anti-war crowd, but they haven’t been seen since 2008.

The calories in the alcoholic beverages aren’t the problem for me, it’s the relaxing nature of having a few drinks that usually lowers my resolve to pass on the late night burrito.

Why aren’t they showing the Hello Kitty version?

Michael Moore’s solution to everything: Look at this horrible problem created by the government, we need more government to fix this problem!

Considering that they’re currently willing to work as cheerleaders for whatever meager pay or other intangible benefits they receive, why should they expect more? If it’s so shitty, they should up and quit like any other reasonable person would. Jerry Jones isn’t holding a gun to their head (as far as I know, this

Equipment that is required to receive all of the content offered by cable subscriptions should be included in the base subscription price unless there are consumer versions available for customers to purchase which offer the same features so they can avoid the rental fees. If they don’t provide something that plugs

How about she’s her own mother, because why the hell not. Call this one the Futurama theory.

I have absolutely no basis for this whatsoever, but I kinda believe that if someone had discovered a source of energy that was inexpensive, compact, and dense, that it would have been hidden from humanity. Not to keep the fossil fuel businesses afloat but because of how easy it would be to turn into a weapon of mass

As someone who isn’t particularly interested in the NFL, I can’t help but notice how time after time, they fuck over their fans, their cities, their players, their players’ victims, and pretty much anyone involved who isn’t an owner or commissioner. Fuck them all.