
It makes sense to keep them separated. They need the movies to appeal to the widest possible audience, and it could be alienating if the audience is expected to know what’s been happening in the TV shows to follow the plot of the blockbuster movies.

I’m surprised by the not holding your money up tip. If I’m walking up to a bar which is surrounded by fully occupied seats and other patrons standing behind those seats and all I can do is squeeze an arm in between two seated patrons, I figure the bills in my hand are a better signal that I’m ready to order a drink

George Brett laughed so hard that he shit his pants.

If your costume requires you to change the tone of your skin color to look like another human being (KISS excluded), then the rest of your costume is an absolute failure. If your costume is good enough, then you don’t need face paint for people to get that you are a gay fish.

Hiroshi’s tweet is already suspect. Are we to believe that the SVP of Chrome OS “bought” two Chromebooks for his kids.

Don’t forget about that moment a few months after the breakup when things seem to be returning to normal and you’ve resumed some amicable interactions with your ex and then they casually mention the new person they’re dating and you completely fall apart inside. Good times.

Even at my drunkest at the ballpark, I can’t imagine throwing a beer I just paid $10 for.

I know Kauffman has carts selling only cans of beer, so you can buy one quickly without having to wait in line behind the guy ordering food and sodas for his whole family.

This reeks of viral marketing.

The Democrats have much better candidates than those who stood on stage, but they’re not foolish enough to try to run against Hillary. Hillary is a terrible candidate to represent the Democratic party based upon her experience and record, but the party has made up it’s collective mind that Hillary is the best chance

It’s completely different actually aiming at the targets after perfecting the arc necessary to shoot the darts without hitting the office ceiling. It even seems like there’s enough spin on the balls to curve up a bit to counteract gravity for a distance. The downside is that the cocking sound is too loud for any sneak

The Dixie Chicks stood on that stage with a mic in front of them because of the popularity of their music, not because of their political views. I don’t doubt the sincerity of their opinion, but it’s childish for them to expect their fans who disagree with that opinion to continue to support them when that support

If they presented this like these sellers weren’t Prime before, and now they’ll be included with the caveat that some regions may face slightly longer shipping times, this would be counted as a win. Make it sound like the benefits of Prime are expanding to more products.

I wonder if the app includes a way for cab drivers to rate passengers so they can avoid them if they’re rude, or bad tippers, or... uh.. other reasons why New York cab drivers don’t pick up certain people.

Here’s a nice gift for anyone recruiting against VT.

The most promising of his proposals is to incorporate the Ranked Choice Voting Act ( This is the only way to break the two party duopoly of our current political system.

The sad part here is that 10 is really the perfect number of teams in a conference. You get to play everyone once in football and twice in basketball. It’s a lot harder to develop any sort of rivalry with a team from another division you only play two out of four years.

Assuming the number of villages you two can see ranges from 0 to 13, and there can either be 10 or 13 villages, on the first night, if either of you two sees 11, 12, or 13 villages, then you know there cannot be 10 villages, and the answer is 13.

Hamm’s is my favorite beer flavored beer. By that, I mean it tastes like the beer my dad gave me a sip of when I was a kid. That’s the nostalgia I’m after when I order a can of Hamm’s, Old Style, or even PBR if I can overlook the hipster attachment. It makes for a nice cheap and temporary diversion from both