
Great, another Avenger with no regard for lawn maintenance.

Has Hillary Clinton ever taken an unpopular principled stand on any issue? Her entire career in politics has seemed to be one where she coasts by on her husband’s legacy, shifting her stated positions whichever way the wind is blowing. Granted, it’s great when she does come around on a topic like this one, but it

The fears surrounding autonomous combat robots is that they would lead to greater casualties among both civilians and enemy soldiers. While that may arise through a greater willingness for countries to go to war without risking the lives of their own soldiers, it doesn’t seem like countries which try to minimize

None really. Smartphones have advanced and proliferated by getting better at delivering content (web, media, and apps) and by becoming more useful for productivity and gaming. Tablets caught on by doing the same as our phones but on a larger screen, which is a decided improvement for many of those functions. Wearables

There's never a shortage of people willing sell you a story about how you're the real victim. It's not that hard for anyone to pull together a collection of anecdotes, isolated incidents, or carefully selected statistics which clearly indicate that your group is actually being oppressed, and that the only reason you

They lost their pizza place because they received death threats. It wasn’t that their opinions caused them to lose customers and slowly go out of business, which would be fine by me. They closed their business because people threatened to kill them for expressing their disfavored opinion. Even if you disagree with

They closed because they received death threats. That’s how they’re victims.

The rules don't change just because you've had success in the past. Pebble and Spike Lee still need to convince their fans to plunk down their money in exchange for some product. The Pebble Time looks great, but it's possible Pebble could have presented something terrible and failed to meet its goal, sending them

Seriously, what in this world gives you the faith that the government which completely botched could successfully oversee a program like this? Do you really think that because they created a Chief Technology Officer and a Department of Digital Service that they're any more capable in these areas? This

He may be uninterested in these types of things, but it always seems like an omission when Tom Wilson isn't a part of something like this.

You're not taking into account that all of the statements include the wording "Exactly". If they didn't include "exactly", then you'd be correct, since a statement like #2 is true if 2 or more statements are false. But, saying "exactly" means only 2 statements can be false, no more, no less, and that in turn would

It's more likely to increase burdensome regulation, reduce competition, and reduce innovation. Just look at how innovative and competitive cable and telephone service providers have been under this regulatory framework.

I'm assuming that was the secret behind Crystal Pepsi.


Widespread government debt default. Everyone is happy to plod along until the cash stops flowing.

A young Spiderman almost seems necessary for his entrance into the MCU. Otherwise you're faced with an older Spiderman who, we assume, had the same origin as a teenager and has been hanging out being awesome for years without showing up on the MCU radar.

The problem with Stewart running for office is that he would never be as effective as he was as a comedian. A large part of his political philosophy/comedic stance is looking at the myriad of ways our government is royally fucking up, which makes for an easy and unending target, and calls out those in charge for

Does it count when the movies I pirate show up later on Netflix?