
This is all clearly the media's fault for asking him "Why are you here? Is it so you won't get fined?" 25 times.

Still using the TI-86 I bought in 1997. Now that's longevity.

There are a few benefits to tipping that can get overlooked, at least for the waiters. When I waited tables, it was pretty common knowledge that you under reported your tips, meaning a good chunk of your earnings were tax free cash. Also, tipping made working the busier shifts worthwhile. You wouldn't make more in

Puzzle 3:

Puzzle 2:

Puzzle one:

Maybe it's because I was a teenager living in Omaha when this movie was made, but this seemed like the most authentic depiction of high school I have ever seen in a movie as far as the look of the picture goes. They shot it in an actual high school in Omaha and used area high school students and teachers as extras.

I'm kind of surprised at the lack of faith in Marvel to pull off this movie. I think there's a treasure trove of humor to be mined from a regular guy (not a genius like Stark or a super soldier like Cap) given a superhero suit and thrust into what's really a crazy universe. The MCU has become a universe where people

This is the exact same reason Apple's CarPlay and Android Auto are going to be so well received. There are no smarts an auto manufacturer is going to put into their cars that is going to hold up over the life of the car. Even their current systems pale in comparison to the interfaces Apple or Google create for other

The BEST part of having a remote key is that I don't have to take it out of my pocket to unlock or start my car. There's no reason to drain your key's battery to display some information that could just as easily be displayed in an app on your phone.

I understand the impulse to equate non-vaccination with malnutrition, but there is a distinctive difference. Malnutrition, like physical abuse, will most definitely cause harm to the child, whereas non-vaccination only holds the potential for harm to the child (albeit a very significant and real potential). While it

Parents have the right to not vaccinate their child, but they don't have the right to send their unvaccinated children to a public school where they can endanger other children. I'd make an exception for children who have legitimate medical reasons for being unable to be vaccinated. Those doctor's notes would need

Part of the appeal of the shared universe is that each movie is adding to the overarching storyline. Even if individual movies might not look that interesting to more casual fans, they're compelled to see them all so they're up to speed when the crossover events happen. The challenge for Marvel will be how AOS fits

I can't wait for Topher Grace to edit these Hobbit movies into a single film.

All of this technology is reliant on taking some sort of biometric information, digitizing it, and sending it off to the internet to verify your identity. What's to stop someone from getting a hold of your digitized biometric information and then using it to pose as you to whatever site they're trying to access.

God, please let this happen. -Kansas fans

It's pretty easy to point toward countries like Qatar with their record on rights and advocate for a boycott of these countries as a means to push them towards reforming their laws. In reality, the more they engage with other liberal democracies in the rest of the world, the more they see the value in extending these

People only seem to view campaign contributions as an effort by these companies to influence these politicians who would otherwise act in the public's best interest. The reverse is to see it as politicians trying to seize power over these companies so they can extort campaign contributions from them in return for

Are you really going to be shocked when gets hacked and everyone's data is leaked? These sites may not be directly related, but they're both operated by a government that doesn't really feel any sort of consequences when stuff like this happens. Their good intentions isn't going to keep my information

The problem isn't lack of regulation, but lack of competition. When you only have one option for broadband service in an area, then there's no reason for them to lower prices, improve speeds, improve customer service, stop throttling, or at least stop lying to customers about the quality of service they offer.