
F1 has son M1 and then with M2 has daughter F3. F3 and M1 are biological brother and sister. Same with M2 and F4.

Funny, germans have a phrase for what you're describing: "der Arsch der Welt".

I was on the same track, but the problem I ran into was if the tally keeper found the switch turned up on his first visit. He wouldn't know if the switch was up before any prisoners had entered the room, or if it was down to begin with and the first prisoner had switched it up to indicate his visit. (This is

Some Christians seem to get caught up in what role God played in the creation of the universe as a means to avoid more meaningful discussions about how they should be striving to live more like His son. They see the state of the world and blame the lack of consensus on the details of God's nature and His creation

Can anyone explain why these strippers need to be licensed in the first place? What compelling government interest is involved here? Does stripping occasionally involve operating heavy machinery or performing minor dental procedures?

KCI is fantastic if you live in Kansas City. Security times are short unless you hit Southwest at a peak time, and you can park extremely close to the terminal. Locals don't care that you have to leave security for certain connecting flights or there's few food options. We know how shitty it is for anyone flying

All I can imagine going through these coaches' minds is "You want to play this sport, you want to get better at this sport, you supposedly want my help to make you better at this sport, and yet you're fucking around at practice and not paying attention to me when I'm only trying to help you." I'm pretty sure I

All of this just makes me realize that the cost of these fines is built into the price of every Beats headphones, along with every jagoff celebrity endorsement. The price of every Bose headphones includes whatever they're paying the NFL. Audio-Technica FTW.

While the article mentions the work by Francine Blau where she controls for a variety of factors, Forbes runs back to the BLS statistics on median income which take none of these factors into account. When they do not control for education, experience, overtime, or flexibility of hours, they're free to present jobs

The publication you linked to provided the median wages for women versus men, but the report makes no reference to the fact that men on average work more hours than women do in the same occupations. Do you believe that the median male and female workers in these occupations work the same hours, are equally willing to

While the report shows the pay gap between men and women on an hourly basis, it continues to go on to talk about how part, but not all, of the pay gap is due to men and women working in different occupations, with men seeking out higher paying positions.

Movies like the Avengers really boil down to exploring a series of two party relationships in the group. We got to see Stark dealing with Cap, Banner, Fury, and Loki. We got to see Thor tussle with Iron Man and the Hulk (as well as Loki, of course). We saw Black Widow dealing with Hawkeye as well as Banner/the

The numbers they use don't take into account the difference in the number of hours worked between men and women, or the differences between men and women in their chosen professions. Once you account for those factors, the wage gap all but disappears. To present the wage gap outside of that context is intentionally

Being pragmatic, I don't see Marvel giving up a lot to include Spiderman in their films. While it may make the fans excited, his absence isn't hurting Marvel's profits. Frankly, Sony has a lot more to gain by tying Spiderman into the successful Marvel Cinematic Universe, where each individual character movie is a

I have to believe that this is indicating the fandom of these schools overall, not just their football programs. There's no other reason why most of the state of Kansas would be fans of Kansas football over Kansas State. Those have to be basketball fans.

Even if the cost of labeling is small, it still doesn't justify having the government impose that burden on food producers. Unlike ingredients like peanuts or gluten, which pose real demonstrated dangers to certain consumers, GMO's have not been shown to cause harm to anyone.

Figuring out how much you get paid per hour is helpful when making other decisions about your time. If I'm travelling for personal reasons, it makes it easier to justify the higher cost of a flight over the time spent driving if both are an option. It also helps with what services are worth paying for versus taking

Dear teenage girls,

I enjoy beers like PBR, Hamms, Old Style, and Schlitz simply because they taste like the beer my dad gave me a sip of when I was a kid. Whether you think they're good or bad, they have a distinctive flavor while other cheap beers seem to strive for inoffensive flavorlessness so you don't get tired of them while

I loved this exchange in The Winter Soldier: